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13 Reasons Going Out During Winter Is So Overrated

Going out in the winter? Well you don’t have to with a little help from Hasbro!

1. Snow actually looks nicer from inside your living room anyway.

2. Staying inside gives you the perfect excuse to kick up your heels and pamper yourself.

3. Never leaving home also means never coming home with wet, freezing socks.

4. And if you don't go anywhere, you don't have to drive in icy, wintery nightmares.

5. Being cooped up in the house also means you don't technically need to change out of your pyjamas.

6. After a few days stuck inside, you won't feel so bad about that one piece of hair that always lays weird.

7. You can totally blame the yucky weather and being stuck in the house for your carb cravings.

8. Being unable to leave the house will strengthen your relationships by forcing you to spend quality time with your loved ones.

9. You'll come up with some creative ways to keep yourself entertained with household chores.

10. Or you could finally get around to reading the books on your nightstand.

11. And you will be oh so rested after a few days inside.

12. Being inside will also give you plenty of time for self-improvement.

13. Sure, you're going stir-crazy, but at least you're not cold, right?

Make your cabin fever a little more bearable with games like Monopoly, Taboo, and Scattergories from Hasbro!