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13 Things That Happen When You Play Board Games With Your Family

"My house, my rules." Rediscover your favourite games with Hasbro's The Game of Life and Simon Swipe!

1. There's always an argument over who goes first.

2. But before you even start, you spend 20 minutes looking for that vital piece that's missing because someone didn't pack it up properly last time.

3. You fight with your siblings over who gets to be which token.

4. If you can't find the booklet, you just make up rules as you go along.

5. You hate playing with that certain someone who ALWAYS seems to have good luck.

6. They never admit they're gloating, even though it's so obvious.

7. Until — HAHA! — they get cocky and celebrate too soon.

8. You catch someone trying to sneak a look at your cards or tiles… / Via

9. ...or just blatantly cheating.

10. Everyone bickers over the tiniest technicalities.

11. Mum and Dad threaten that "no one is going to play at all unless you play nice!"

12. But it's only a matter of time until someone starts taking things way too seriously.

13. And then, of course, the one person who absolutely can't stand losing loses.

There's nothing wrong with a little ~friendly~ competition. Rediscover your favourite family games with Hasbro's Simon Swipe and The Game of Life.