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    Time To Give Thanks — The Sam's Club Thanks-Savings Event Has Arrived With Serious Savings On Appliances And More

    Hop on these deals while you can.

    Black Friday is here everyone, and thanks to Sam's Club, it's shaping up to be a good one. For their Thanks-Savings event, you'll find deals on everything from electronics to kitchen products to furniture. It goes until Nov. 27, so even if you need Friday to digest all that turkey and mashed potatoes, you'll still have two days of Thanks-Savings.

    Here's some deals to get you started:

    1. A convertible crib and changer for those who are welcoming a new child into the world this holiday season. Not only is that the most wonderful and fulfilling experience, but it opens a whole new channel for holiday gifts.

    The crib and changer converter

    2. A set of 10 bins for the freezer or the fridge because the holiday season is also the season of leftovers. The food is so dang good, you can't throw it out so you better have a place for it in the fridge.

    The storage bins in a fridge food inside

    3. A sectional sofa so everyone can have a brand new, comfy place to sit when they come over for Christmas. Be warned — it's so comfy some family members may fall asleep in the midst of opening gifts. Perhaps some solid rest is another gift you can give this holiday season?

    The sectional sofa in a house

    4. A faux pre-lit Christmas tree for all of the wholesome beauty and none of the mess. Plus it will last literally forever. People may scoff at a plastic tree, but considering it will always be there, it can become just as much a part of your holiday traditions as grandma's famous Christmas yams.

    The faux tree in a room

    5. A Nectar mattress with gel memory foam so you can have the best nights of sleep this holiday season. Go to sleep on New Year's Eve ('cause you're responsible and you're not going to stay out super late, right?) and wake up in 2023 feeling fresh and energized.

    The nectar mattress in a bed

    6. A two-piece set of luggage for when you go on all your holiday travels, your vacation next summer, and all the trips for which you invent a reason just so you can use your shiny new suitcases.

    The two bags

    7. A 12-quart air fryer oven so all those upcoming holiday meals are a bit easier to make and a little lighter, since this bad boy allows you to make your favorite crispy creations with less oil.

    The air fryer

    8. A theater recliner that has two cup holders and a USB port so you can sit in your new throne over the holidays and preside over the wonderful celebration you've hosted in your home. Then the rest of the year just recline and watch movies.

    The power motion theater recliner

    9. A rechargeable UTV that will have your little ones tearing up the road, priming themselves for a future in extreme sports. Don't worry, there are also safety features like a horn and seatbelts, too. So in reality, when you buy this gift you're teaching them how to be safe. Who knew safety could be so fun?!

    Two kids in the UTV

    10. Or if your little one would rather ride solo there is the electric ride-on bike. All the rush of riding a motorcycle, but with training wheels so they'll be perfectly safe.

    A child riding the electric bike

    11. A giant Bluetooth speaker that works indoors and outdoors. This is yet another gift that has some real longevity. Bump your favorite Christmas tunes when the family is over for holiday dinner, and when the snow melts bump your favorite regular tunes for the return of barbecues.

    The bluetooth speaker

    12. A gaming chair because if the gamer in your household is going to spend the cold winter months inside playing video games they should at least be as comfortable as possible when they do it.

    The gaming chair in gray

    13. A heated throw blanket because warmth and coziness will be the ultimate gift for every holiday season from now until the end of time. Might as well give that gift at the best price possible.

    The heated throw blanket in plaid

    14. An area rug that will feel so nice on your bare feet when you're enjoying lazy days at home through the winter. Might be time to take on some at home dance-lessons so you can enjoy that feeling even more.

    The area rug on the floor in a living room

    15. A six-drawer dresser because after everyone in your family gives you a different Christmas sweater as a gift, you're going to need somewhere to store them all.

    The six-drawer dresser with a few items on top

    16. An HP laptop that also has a touch screen so you can enjoy all the visceral interactivity of your phone with all the computing power of a laptop. Imagine all the multitasking that can happen with that extra layer of interactivity — you'll get twice as much done for sure (right?!).

    17. An NFL Blitz arcade game with a matching stool so you can keep the football going even after the season ends. With four players options, you can get the whole family involved, too. Hut, hut, hike!

    a model playing the arcade game

    18. A rowing machine so you can have access to a full body workout whenever you want. Come out of winter hibernation next year in the best shape of your life.

    Someone standing next to a rowing machine

    19. A FitBit fitness smart watch that will track your progress as you do all those at-home work outs on the new rowing machine. There is nothing more satisfying after a workout than some concrete numbers to prove you crushed it.

    Someone holding two weights while wearing the smart watch

    20. A wireless weather station so you'll know if there's a storm coming before you head out on your run. You'll also know what temperature is best for everyone inside. Sure, the outdoor forecast will probably say something like "super dang cold" for the next couple of months, but after that, knowing if a summer day will be marred by pesky clouds will be helpful.

    The wireless weather station attached to a wall

    21. A De'Longhi espresso and cappuccino machine because there is nothing more satisfying on a cold day than a warm drink. This one is fully automatic, too — so you will be curled up under your heated blanket with your hot bev in seconds.

    The cappuccino and espresso maker on a counter with four cups of coffee and three donuts near it.

    22. A four-piece surround-sound audio system to upgrade your home entertainment experience for all those cozy nights in watching movies through the cold months. Whether you're putting on an action classic like Transformers or you're ready to cry to The Notebook, the enhanced audio will make for one of the best viewings ever.

    The 5.1 surround system

    23. A Meta Quest 2 bundle with Resident Evil 4 and Beat Saber to take your gaming experience to the next level. You already got a new speaker system to upgrade the audio. With this VR headset you'll upgrade the visual experience to the uppest it's ever been graded.

    Someone wearing the Meta Quest 2 headset with the two remotes in their hands

    24. A professional power station that charges all kinds of connections including outlet and USB. Whether you're stranded on the road or you're on a camping trip, this power station will give you all the electricity you need. It's shocking how efficient it is.

    The power station charging a phone, a tablet, and other items.

    25. A melody clock that will light up and dance on the hour. It's like a party, but the party doesn't happen at night because of a handy light sensor that detects when it's dark. So it's like the most respectful party ever, and it also tells you the time.

    The clock on a wall above a couch

    26. A cordless handheld vaccuum that will get to all those pesky spots where the most dust seems to hide. Holiday parties come with a lot of mess. Now they'll come with a lot of clean.

    Someone cleaning their car with the handheld cordless vaccuum.

    27. A trampoline that is perfect for all the kids. With a trampoline, you're not just giving a thing as a gift. You're giving a sense of freedom that only comes from flying through the air. OK maybe it's "falling with style" like Woody said, but it's still really cool.

    A family gathered around the trampoline as one child jumps on it

    28. A Hot Wheels Epic Loop play set that comes with four monster trucks and four sports cars. Simply put, this will for an epic gift, and the word "epic" isn't used lightly.

    A child playing with the Hot Wheel set

    29. A cordless snow shoveling kit because all those Christmas songs about snow seem to forget someone has to do the shoveling after it falls. Now that part will be easier than ever.

    The snow shovel kit

    30. A 76-key portable piano to fill your home with music this holiday season. Sure it might not sound so great when you're starting out, but keep practicing and you will have acquired a skill that will bring endless joy to yourself and others.

    A child playing the piano

    With these prices at Sam's Club's Thanks-Savings event, you will be so stocked up for holiday gifts that Santa himself will be jealous.