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I Got Married On The Beast At King’s Island Amusement Park!

I have LOVED amusement parks since as far back as I can remember, some of my happiest days in life were spent in them. I buy a season pass to King’s Island, our local amusement park in Cincinnati, every year and I of course buy my fiancée one as well and drag him with me every chance that I get. Rick proposed in April and we have been stressing wedding ideas and locations since then. We were standing in line for The Beast one day, it’s the world’s longest rollercoaster, I jokingly told him that we should just get married on it. He latched on to the idea and could not let it go, he’d bring it up every so often going on about ways that we could pull it off. 3 weeks ago, his sister mentioned that her birthday was going to fall on a Friday the 13th that happened to be in October and it would be a perfect day for us to get married. I decided then and there to plan a flash wedding on the first roller-coaster that I ever rode with next to no time to prepare. We tailgated in the parking lot beforehand with soda and hamburgers and hot dogs and all the fixings, kind of a reverse-order reception. We then hit up King’s Island Halloween Haunt as the wackiest wedding party that I’ve ever seen. We were able to get an entire train to ourselves and they announced us over the P.A. system for the ride and told wedding jokes and congratulated us, everyone in line was cheering us on. We said our vows on the first incline and our first kiss was right before the picture at the bottom of the hill. We couldn’t have planned a better wedding for ourselves. It was nothing short of the most magical night of my life.

HarleeQwinn 6 years ago