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    20 Splurge-Worthy Things From Target That Are Basically Dream-Worthy

    Just living the dream.

    1. An ottoman with a three-tiered, round silhouette that doubles as a table surface. This piece may not be a furniture necessity like a bed frame or couch, but its addition is sure to enhance any space.

    ottoman next to chair

    2. A wireless sound bar featuring three full-range speakers that will bring your TV-watching experience to new heights. You'll feel like you're in your very own personal IMAX theater right at home.

    sound bar set

    3. And a projector to bring your theater-like experience on the move. Lightweight, portable, and incredibly fun, this device has endless entertainment possibilities.

    a hand holding the white projector

    4. A shower head boasting seven spray settings, including a rejuvenating 2x massage feature, to ensure that your shower vibes are always immaculate and invigorating.

    two-piece shower head turned on

    5. A massive, hypoallergenic body pillow, because sometimes a regular-sized pillow just isn't enough.

    girl sleeping with body pillow

    6. A robot that goes above and beyond by not only vacuuming but also mopping. Sit back and relax as this innovative device effortlessly navigates your floors, keeping them spotless with little to no effort on your part.

    robot vacuum in living room

    7. A red light therapy belt designed to provide relief for muscle and joint pain so you can take your relaxation to a whole new level. Featuring multiple settings for a personalized treatment, this is a new-age gadget that you need in your arsenal.

    8. A weighted blanket available in three different weights so you can choose the perfect one for all of your comfort and de-stressing needs.

    weighted blanket with model

    9. An air fryer with two cooking levels so you can prepare entire meals all at once. This awesome gadget will allow you to achieve crispy perfection the next time you make Trader Joe's orange chicken.

    airfryer cooking both steak and french fries

    10. A canopied wagon with a side panel (that can be unzipped to transform into bench seating), seat belts for added safety, AND cupholders. It’s super lightweight, too, making it perfect for on-the-go adventures.

    red wagon with kids inside

    11. A stroller that converts into a car seat, offering the magical convenience of two essentials in one. With its easy one-hand fold, it even offers seamless and compact storage for effortless travel.

    12. A stainless steel trash can equipped with motion sensors so you can say goodbye to sticky fingers next time you are cooking. Seriously — just give your hand a wave and voilà!

    stainless steel trash can

    13. An Alexa Smart Home hub with great audio quality and voice control that will make your life so much easier. Control all of your devices, play music, and ask questions — smart house here you come!

    alexa on a countertop

    14. An innovative spinning gadget that curls your hair at the push of a button and with almost no work on your end. I gave it a try myself and can confirm that this splurge-worthy item truly is worth the hype.

    Chi spin curl

    15. A midi dress featuring ruched detailing, a round neckline, and adorable sleeves, making it perfect for every summer occasion. Whether you're attending weddings, brunches, or simply enjoying walks on the beach, this dress will have you feeling all kinds of fabulous.

    patterned midi dress on model

    16. A pair of classic leather Reebok sneakers with a platform-style midsole that offer the perfect balance of comfort and style. These sneakers are not only cushioned enough to help you reach your step goals but also cute enough to elevate your overall look without any sacrifices.

    white leather sneakers

    17. A Keurig coffee maker with an innovative iced coffee option, so you no longer have to settle for watered-down coffee

    silver keurig coffee maker

    18. A frozen yogurt and ice cream maker that can whip up delicious frozen desserts in as little as 20 minutes. Be the ~coolest~ house in town this summer as you create your own delectable treats, leaving Ben and Jerry's in the dust.

    ice cream maker

    19. An ancestry DNA kit that allows you to discover your unique ethnic profile and connect with long-lost relatives through a simple saliva sample. It's a fun and fascinating way to learn more about your roots and marvel at the wonders of modern-day technology.

    ancestry dna kit

    20. A standing desk, because, well, if you haven’t yet elevated your work-from-home setup, then this is your sign that it is time to do so. With multiple height settings, durable construction, and a quiet motor, this option is as good as it gets.

    the white desk with a computer on top

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.