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    These DIY Marbled Planters Will Give Your Home The Life It Needs


    Repurpose empty cans by making marbled planters!

    Facebook: video.php


    *Empty cans of any size, cleaned with the labels removed

    *Measuring tape

    *Adhesive film (we used marble and granite patterns)


    *Exacto knife (optional)

    *Pebbles (if you're planting succulents)


    Measure the height of each can, and cut adhesive paper to fit.

    Peel the backing off of the paper, and press onto the can, pulling tight as you press it down to avoid air bubbles. Cover the entire can, and cut as closely as possible to avoid overlap of the paper.

    If you're planting succulents, cover the bottom of the can with pebbles, and insert the succulent. Works great for office supply organization, too!