26 Clever Halloween Costumes For Food Lovers

    Sexy cereal bowl?

    1. Fill a clear plastic recycling bag with mini balloons for a Jelly Belly costume.

    2. Crumple printer paper and spray it yellow for a buttery popcorn costume.

    3. Spray-paint a trash can for a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte costume.

    4. Use packing peanuts and orange water balloons to make a sushi hat.

    5. Cut up pool noodles to make Froot Loops for a cereal bowl costume.

    6. Use different colored felts for toppings on a taco costume.

    7. While we're on the Mexican theme, here's an actual burrito baby.

    8. Be a stack of pancakes.

    9. Or just be a milk carton.

    10. Use thick yarn for pasta in a spaghetti and meatballs costume.

    11. Instant ramen is pretty much perfect if you're going to a frat party for Halloween.

    12. Carve and paint cardboard to look like Oreos.

    13. Make quinoa out of pom-pom balls to transform into "Quinoa Woman."

    14. Paint your favorite ice cream flavor onto cardboard to be ice cream pints.

    15. Gather your friends who love puns and be the "spice girls."

    16. If you're going solo, you could just be the whole spice rack.

    17. Pair up with your S.O. and be Taco Bell.

    18. You could also be a pair of hot sauce bottles.

    19. Speaking of Sriracha, this is pretty perfect.

    20. How about this ironic sexy Nerds outfit?

    21. There's also "sexy corn."

    22. You could crochet yourself a bacon dress and an egg hat.

    23. You could be some peas in a pod.

    24. Adjust a simple brown dress with a little ribbon for a Tootsie Roll costume.

    25. Turn yourself into a giant cup of froyo with some cotton batting and a plastic drink tub.

    26. Literally just go as the whole damn fridge.
