27 Tweets About Steve Harrington, Because He Better Not Die In This "Stranger Things" Finale

    No thoughts, just Steve Harrington in his yellow sweater.

    The Stranger Things Season 4 two-episode finale drops Friday, and y'all...I am NOT ready.

    "Your friends are not prepared for this fight..." The epic two-part season finale of Stranger Things 4 premieres July 1

    Netflix / Twitter: @netflix

    ESPECIALLY because star Noah Schnapp has teased that a character is going to die in the finale. Some have speculated whether it might be Joyce....

    joyce byers can’t die she has to be alive for the release of heathers in 1989

    New World Pictures / Twitter: @mstinascamander

    ...or Robin...

    robin buckley can’t die she has to be alive for the release of but i’m a cheerleader in 1999

    Twitter: @Iesbats

    ...but it seems like most people are REALLY worried it'll be fan-favorite character Steve Harrington.

    If Steve Harrington dies I'm coming for you Netflix #StrangerThings4

    Netflix / Twitter: @StrangerNews11

    Like...I don't know if I'll even be able to watch the show anymore.

    if steve harrington leaves us forever july 1st i’ll never watch stranger things again i’m dead serious

    Netflix / Twitter: @maggiesrheeee

    Here are 27 tweets about Steve Harrington that prove he is the best Stranger Things character and nothing bad should ever befall him.

    1. He needs to stay alive for his hair alone.

    steve harrington when he goes to the store and they tell him they’re out of the farrah fawcett hairspray

    Twitter: @grishakyber

    2. I can't imagine watching Stranger Things and him not being on it.

    me every time steve harrington comes up on screen

    Twitter: @QUENTlNSMITH

    3. Like...just look at him.

    no thoughts, just Steve Harrington in his yellow sweater

    Netflix / Twitter: @Netflix_CA

    4. I don't even care when his beautiful face looks like Rocky after a fight.

    no one, absolutely no one steve harrington every season:

    United Artists / Twitter: @lumaxcinema

    5. I need more resolution to Steve and Eddie both acting as older brother figures to Dustin!!!

    steve harrington after dustin starts hanging out with eddie:

    Twitter: @cuntrcgers

    6. Steve is the LGBTQ ally we all need.

    Twitter: @elliexromania

    7. This 100% happened.

    steve getting robin stuff for pride:

    tiktok.com / Via Twitter: @CUNTYFILMS

    8. He's also the babysitter we all need.

    Scholastic / Netflix / Twitter: @hellaironman

    9. And the parent we all need, tbh.

    steve harrington every time he sees a kid in trouble

    Disney / Twitter: @darcyslizzy

    10. He loves ALL his children.

    "not all men" you’re right. steve harrington, devoted father of six, would never do this.

    Twitter: @ravenclvws

    11. ...Even the sarcastic assholes.

    Steve: also Steve: annoyed looks this because he's soft always the when Max babysitter gives him a letter. #StrangerThings

    Netflix / Twitter: @Angy__Fa1

    12. ESPECIALLY the sarcastic assholes, actually.

    Steve Harrington being done with his children vs Steve Harrington seeing his favorite child #StrangerThings

    Netflix / Twitter: @WaffleTapas

    13. He will defend them to the death (which is what I'm afraid of).

    Vecna: We are going to end all of you...💥 Steve Harrington: Not my kids, you won't...👼

    Netflix / Twitter: @StrangerNews11

    14. Do NOT manifest this.

    stranger things mcu stans stans 🤝 saying goodbye to steve

    Twitter: @jay_beri

    15. We need more people like Steve in the world.

    stranger things is sci-fi not because of the superpowers and monsters and alternate planes of reality but because men like steve harrington just don’t exist in the real world

    Twitter: @ULTRAGLOSS

    16. Seriously.

    men should apologise for not being steve harrington #StrangerThings4

    Netflix / Twitter: @sswiftmelody

    17. He is the definition of a himbo.

    steve harrington has one brain cell but we appreciate how hard it works

    Twitter: @lokhelle

    18. And I don't understand how people aren't begging to date him.

    the most unrealistic thing about stranger things is the fact that steve harrington is struggling to find a girlfriend #StrangerThings

    Twitter: @HARR1NGTONS

    19. Dude is an 11 at LEAST.

    he's a 10 but he's steve harrington so he's actually an 11

    Netflix / Twitter: @ihrtsteddie

    20. He's the stuff of Taylor Swift songs (except Steve Harrington would NOT miss your bday).

    steve harrington would dance around the kitchen in the refrigerator light with u btw

    Twitter: @wolfhardera

    21. He's gone through the best arc.

    steve s1 vs steve s3 #StrangerThings #StrangerThings3

    Netflix / Nickelodeon / Twitter: @salmonskinroIIs

    22. Like, name a better arc. I'll wait.

    Steve went from “I’ll have your daughter home by 8” to “You better have my children home by 8” #StrangerThings

    Netflix / Twitter: @DexertoST

    23. If Steve dies, we miss out on his incredible friendship with Robin.

    i cant believe the best duo in stranger things is literally bat-man and robin

    Netflix / Twitter: @spideychelle

    24. Which means Robin better not die either!!!!!

    i need a robin & steve spin off that’s just a workplace buddy comedy where they get fired at the end of every season & have to start a completely different job at the start of the next one https://t.co/nbUSTq6JgT

    Netflix / Twitter: @24DAVlD

    25. Just leaving this here...and say that completely unrelatedly...Eddie Munson also must not die....

    bisexual steve harrington is real to ME.

    Netflix / Twitter: @lgbtsincIair

    26. In conclusion, if Steve dies...

    no one understands if I lose Steve Harrington, I will never be the same

    First We Feast / YouTube / Twitter: @keldobrev / Via youtube.com

    27. ...this will be my reaction.

    Marvel / Disney+ / Twitter: @jarrusyndulla

    Who do YOU think is going to die in the Stranger Things two-part finale? Let us know in the comments below!