People Are Sharing What Their Pets Are Doing But Referring To Them As Coworkers And It's Hilarious

    This is the kind of content I need right now.

    On Sunday, Twitter user aubviouslynot posted a tweet asking for people stuck at home to respond with photos and descriptions of their pets...but to refer to them as "coworkers."

    for those of you working from home or are in quarantine, and who have pets, tell me what they have been doing most recently but refer to them as your co-worker

    It very quickly went viral, amassing hundreds of replies. Here are some of the best!

    coworker is a lazy, bug-eyed fiend

    ^ But first, a picture of Aubrey's cat!


    @aubviouslynot my coworker screamed at her reflection in the mirror and then threw up on the floor


    @aubviouslynot my co-worker woke up in the middle of the night, started screaming at me, and then proceeded to throw up on the carpet. then she layed down on the floor and fell asleep


    @aubviouslynot my coworker is taking the hand washing thing a little too far


    @aubviouslynot my co-worker is straight-up assaulting me on a daily basis


    @aubviouslynot I had to report my coworkers to HR today. They need refresher training on workplace PDA.


    @aubviouslynot My coworker showed up half an hour late, napped on the couch, got up, barfed, ate a cookie, then passed out on the floor again. It's like she's hungover.


    @aubviouslynot my co-worker was found pole dancing beside his food


    @aubviouslynot My coworker just screamed at me and dipped his foot in my glass of water He seems ready to calm down but refuses to apologise for his behaviour


    @aubviouslynot My coworker thinks this is a joke!! Walking around with a neck cushion, always begging to go outside and DOESNT even know how to check their email. Gives everyone the silent treatment 24/7. 14/10 would work with them again.


    @aubviouslynot my coworkers have been incredibly dramatic all week


    @aubviouslynot my coworker started throwing it back on the wall


    @aubviouslynot My coworker forced me to swaddle him like a baby in his favorite fleece blanket and hold him while I watched a movie


    @aubviouslynot my coworker decided to nap at his desk which like, fine, but now he’s talking in his sleep????



    @aubviouslynot I am TRAUMATIZED 😭 My coworker PEED on me! I'm heading to HR as we speak! (Backstory: my dog likes to sit on my shoulders when I walk around and I was trynna make a video to show my friend, so excuse the hair lmao)


    @aubviouslynot My coworker is literally sitting there naked licking his genitals


    @hog_mild @aubviouslynot My coworker ate a huge pile of dropped french fries and then took a pale, loose shit on the lawn



    @aubviouslynot my co worker keeps chasing her tail and getting stuck


    @aubviouslynot My coworker keeps falling asleep during these Zoom conferences 🙄


    @aubviouslynot All my coworker does is walk around the office in a blanket. Company is refusing to turn up the heat due to budget cuts.


    @aubviouslynot My co-worker Sam accused me of giving my co-worker Dean too much attention and not giving him enough. He demanded that I give them both neck massages and head rubs at the same time.


    @aubviouslynot i think my other latest coworker might fail her drug test


    @aubviouslynot My coworker is a sk8er boi, he refuses to leave his skateboard, dresses inappropriately and even smokes during our meetings


    @aubviouslynot my coworker pees everywhere, won’t stop begging me for food, and cries when i leave the room


    @aubviouslynot My co-workers started drinking raindrops even though they had a bowl filled with water


    @aubviouslynot My co-workers just stare at me until I do all the work.


    @aubviouslynot I have to keep pulling my coworker out of the toilet.

    I hope this thread gave you some much-needed laughs during this global crisis. Now I have to go stop my coworker from ripping my dining room chairs to shreds.