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Tell Us The Wild Story Of *That One Family Member*

If you don't immediately know who *that one family member* is, it might be you.

You can't choose your family, and chances are, you've got at least one extended relative who is extremely strange — and we want to hear about them.

"You're a super weird guy."

What makes them strange? Is there a story about them that will live on in infamy in your family?

Screenshots from "Shrinking"

Or is their general behavior just bizarre — do you quote some of their most infamous comments? Do you do an impression for your immediate family?

Two women laughing

Maybe they're *that one family member* because something absolutely wild became of them. Maybe they were exiled from a country, or they were a real-life Walter White, or they once streaked naked across the field during the Super Bowl.

"Can you believe he did that?"

Whatever the story is, let us know in the comments below — or via this anonymous form — and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.