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Tell Us About A Time You Got Even With A Petty Coworker

We want to know how you stopped the office food stealer.

We all have that one coworker we just don't get along with. Most of the time, it's because they're rude or otherwise causing petty office/workplace drama. Or maybe they're just plain annoying.

Maybe they keep stealing your food, even though you label it.

Maybe they keep spreading rumors about you, such as that you're looking for another job or were fired from your last job.

Maybe they keep asking you invasive questions, like whether you're pregnant.

We want to know what you did to get back at them. Did you put something gross in your food so that when they stole it, it would be disgusting? Did you come up with the perfect comeback to their unwanted comments? Did you give them a false rumor to spread that made them look dumb?

Whatever your revenge was, we want to hear about it. Tell us about your coworker and what you did to get back at them in the comments below (or via this anonymous form), and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.