47 Ridiculously Stupid Comments About Menstruation That Will Make You Go "Really?"

    "There's nothing painful about having periods." And you would know this how???

    1. This person thought you could "push out" your period:

    you can push your uterus, self-induced contractions

    2. The guy this person was dating thought you couldn't drink wine on your period:

    i once dated a 23 year old who was furious that i mentioned drinking wine while on my period because he thought it was related to being pregnant

    3. This person's ex thought everyone with a period got them on the same day:

    my ex boyfriend thought all women go their period on the 15th of the month

    4. This man thought periods were comparable to nosebleeds:

    dont get me wrong i hate nose bleeds but it isn't painful

    5. And this person's dad thought everyone started getting their period in fifth grade:

    my dad is 61 and thought every girl started their period in 5th grade

    6. This man thought his girlfriend's boobs filled with BLOOD leading up to their period:

    7. This person thought having penetrative sex during menstruation would cause a man's penis to become infected, but also said it's a wife's "duty to satisfy her husband":

    does this guy know that your penis will get infected by the germs and bacteria from menstrual blood

    8. This person's ex thought a period entailed a single drop of blood:

    my ex thoguht women bleed one singular drop of blood

    9. This man thought people could "hold in" their periods and wait to have them when they're older:

    i think it's gross how young girls push out their periods and don't hold them and wait until they are older

    10. This person thought the blood clots in your period were "bits of baby's fingers":

    11. This person thought people with periods shouldn't be in combat roles because the scent would give away their location(?!?!?):

    adding in feminine hygiene products just means less ammo and food reaching the front lines

    12. This person blamed periods on poor diet:

    women aren't supposed to have periods, that's unnatural

    13. This man thought his vasectomy would stop his wife's period:

    husband though his vasectomy would stop her period they fought because he thought she must be cheating when it came like usual

    14. This guy asked if women stopped getting their periods after they got married:

    15. This person just straight up thought people weren't supposed to get periods:

    periods aren't nasty but women aren't supposed to have them it's actually poor diet

    16. This person compared periods to ejaculation:

    17. This person thought periods came from the bladder:

    18. This person thought you stopped menstruating at 25:

    so he's 10 years old and his mom is still menstruating?

    19. This man was so confidently wrong about so many things at once:

    man saying a woman can buy tampons in bulk for the year and be set with 128 tampons

    20. This man thought free period products at schools would "encourage girls to have their periods at school," as if we have any choice in the matter:

    why won't women hold it until they get home

    21. This person's ex thought tampons gave pleasure:

    an ex told me women shouldn't complain about their periods because tehy are clearly getting pleasure from their periods

    22. And this person thought tampons were comparable to sex toys:

    23. This person suggested that "there's nothing painful about having periods":

    periods are fabricated painful by women on internet to seek attention and sympathy

    24. This person's boyfriend thought it was no big deal (and also something he could demand) to take pills to stop your period and that it was a "problem" his girlfriend had to "fix":

    25. Conversely, this man confidently claimed that you shouldn't take a pill that may stop your period:

    man saying her attitude tells him that she needs to bleed  because ladies become cunts when they don't bleed

    26. And this person thought birth control automatically stopped a period:

    27. This man similarly thought no one has a period with an IUD, and the next man confidently asserted IUDs always make periods worse (and claimed that tampons and menstrual cups make your period "stop"?):

    man arguing with a women about periods

    28. This person suggested all women just free bleed so they wouldn't have to buy tampons:

    29. This person thought it was within your control not to bleed through your pants, and comparing periods to pee and poop:

    the period thing is bullshit excuse, you never piss yourself or shit your pants but somehow you're always gonna bleed through, come on ladies grow up

    30. This person thought you could just "put a bandaid on it" to curb the bleeding:

    31. This person thought people with periods were untrustworthy because they don't die while on their period:

    32. This person questioned why lesbians get their period:

    if lesbians are born lesbians why do they still get their period if they weren't made for sperm

    33. This person thought that you could only get pregnant while on your period:

    if you don't want a kid don't bang while you're on your period

    34. This person thought periods ended before two days had even passed:

    man thinking his girlfriend was cheating because her period lasted more than 2 days

    35. This man thought period tracking apps meant someone's cheating:

    36. This person thought people could control their cycles and that you could "turn" your period "off":

    37. This boyfriend also thought you could "hold it in":

    i got my period on a weekend getaway with my boyfriend and he got mad at me, told me i should just hold it in

    38. This person not only thought people could "hold back their period," but that changing tampons mid-shift was unnecessary:

    39. This man thought "women's only struggle is their little period":

    women have it easier dude it's literally obvious

    40. These people thought that people shouldn't wash their hair during their periods(?):

    41. This person thought women's periods originally synced with the moon, and there was one day when everyone would get their period...then a bunch of people made sexist comments about what that would be like:

    42. This man said if you get a period, it's your own fault:

    i'm so tired of listening to women complain about something that is their fault

    43. This person thought you couldn't use tampons until you're older, along with a bunch of other nonsense:

    44. This person compared period cramps to swimming and running cramps, then called them a myth:

    man saying swimmers get cramps so the jig is up, women are lying about period cramps

    45. This person claimed side effects of periods were an issue that indicated something was wrong:

    46. This person thought drinking Sprite caused his sister to have some kind of super period:

    what the fuck is in a fucking sprite that causes that much bleeding

    47. And finally...I literally don't know what this person is talking about:

    women's periods match to the most dominant female because with that dominant female is on her period can reproduce so all of the lesser females attach to her so they can't bear her children

    H/T: r/BadWomensAnatomy and r/NotHowGirlsWork