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We Want To Know The Wildest Thing You've Experienced Or Seen At A Bachelor(ette) Party

Not everything stays in Vegas...

It's common for bachelor and bachelorette parties to get a *bit* out of hand — after all, it's usually a bunch of good friends celebrating another good friend in an awesome location....with lots of alcohol involved.

But some bachelor and bachelorette parties truly get WILD. So...what's the wildest one you've attended, heard of, or witnessed?

Did you bartend a bachelor or bachelorette party where everyone was doing drugs and ended up having a huge orgy?

Did you attend a bachelor party that ended with the groom-to-be breaking up with the bride?

Did you hear about a friend of a friend's party in Vegas that actually ended with half the bridal party in the hospital after a good time turned dangerous?

Whatever the story was, we want to hear it! Let us know in the comments below — or via this anonymous form — and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!