My Mind Was Actually Blown When I Saw These 49 Examples Of Genetic Abnormalities, Injuries, And Other Wild Photos Of The Human Body

    Anyone else know it's possible to have NO fingerprints? The crimes those people could get away with...

    1. In case you want to feel jealous today, it actually is possible to have purple eyes (most examples are in people with albinism).

    purple eye

    2. Did you also know your eye color can change as a result of an injury?

    person with one blue eye and one brown

    3. If your fingers and toes get REALLY, REALLY cold — like, so cold they turn a different color — you might be suffering from Raynaud's syndrome. It happens to me a lot, but I've never seen my fingers turn quite THIS yellowish-white.

    fingers turning yellow

    4. Ever wondered what would happen if you consistently ingested colloidal silver? Paul Karason found out — after taking it for various medical issues for years, he developed argyria, and his skin turned this color.

    Closeup of Paul Karason

    5. Somewhat similarly, here's what happens to your hands if you take a ton of astaxanthin — they basically turn orange.

    yellow hand

    6. Here's how effective compression socks are in mitigating bruising and swelling.

    Person showing bruised knee close-up, with slight swelling visible, but not under the knee

    7. Genetics are truly wild to me — I had to do a quick Punnett square in my mind to remember that two brown-eyed parents (top) can have blue and green-eyed children (bottom).

    Four close-up images of different human eyes, brown at the top and blue and green at the bottom

    8. Here's just how much a muscle can atrophy after an injury requires you to use it less.

    Person wearing a knee brace stands on stairs, with leg in knee brace much thinner than other leg

    9. Did you know some people are born without toe and fingerprints?

    Fingerprint next to a thumbprint smudge on paper, held by a person's hand

    10. You can see another photo of the condition, called adermatoglyphia, here.

    Close-up of a person's left hand with slightly wrinkled fingers

    11. This genetic white patch of hair is called a Mallen Streak, but I'm going to go ahead and believe this baby got in a snow fight with her magical older sister named Elsa.

    baby with white patch of hair

    12. You can also have patches of white hair at a young age from vitiligo.

    person with white patch of hair

    13. Another fact I learned today that blew my mind: Doctors sometimes leave gaping wounds open (after interior stitches are made) in order to prevent compartment syndrome (pressure buildup from internal bleeding or tissue swelling).

    14. I don't even want to tell you the intrusive thought that came into my mind at this photo.

    faded tattoo with burn mark with brighter version of tattoo under it

    15. Did you know if you get a bloody nose and block it, blood might start coming out of your eyes?

    blood trailing out of an eye

    16. And here's what it looks like to have burst blood vessels in your eye.

    bloody eye

    17. Since bruises are just a buildup of blood under the skin, if you get a scratch on a bruise, it will actually "drain" part of the bruise.

    bruise with a cut on it

    18. Something similar happens if you get a mosquito bite on a bruise.

    bruise with a mosquito bite on it

    19. Ever wondered what a tooth cut in half looks like?

    teeth cut in half

    20. You're probably aware of heterochromia, when people have two different colored eyes, but did you know it's possible to have partial heterochromia and have multiple colors within the same eye?

    person with multiple colors in each eye

    21. Here's the difference between being tanned vs. not in the same man.

    Two arms next to each other, one much tanner

    22. This is what it looks like to have THREE pupils in each eye (Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome).

    Close-up of a human eye with three pupils

    23. Here's what an eye looks like SUPER close up, in high-def.

    Close-up of a human eye with detailed iris patterns

    24. This is what it looks like to have a "detached iris."

    eye with detached pupil at edge of eye along with normal pupil

    25. Here is a kidney stone some poor guy passed.

    closeup of a kidney stone

    26. Here's what removed blood clots look like.

    27. Here's what it looks like to see alllll the blood vessels in your hand, stripped of everything else.

    3D exhibit of red blood vessels shaped like a hand inside a clear block

    28. And here, you can see the veins in a hand by using an ultra-strong flashlight.

    light coming through hand showing veins

    29. Did you know you can have "fraternal" thumbs that don't match?

    thumbs that don't match

    30. Or that there are conditions where you don't have middle knuckles?

    hand with no knuckles

    31. I need a doctor to explain this one to me, because it's wild.

    person's legs, one injured and with more hair

    32. This is what blood looks like without red blood cells.

    bag of yellowish liquid

    33. And this is what plasma looks like if it sits long enough to separate from your blood.

    bag of dark yellow liquid

    34. This is how a liter of bone marrow looks.

    bag of red liquid

    35. Here's what a dental X-ray of a kid who still has their baby teeth looks like.

    dental x-ray with baby teeth

    36. This is what it looks like to get a bad bruise on an area with an old scar — essentially, the scar will not appear to bruise.

    scar on bruise, but the scar isn't discolored

    37. Scars will also not get dirty in the same way.

    dirty hand with small spot that's not dirty

    38. The human body's capacity to heal is just wild to me. Here is how well someone's arm healed in one month.

    39. I have literally never seen a blister this big before, and I had to show it to y'all.

    40. If you have a splinter or shard of glass stuck in your skin, your body will eventually push it out on its own — it just might take a few years.

    tiny shard of glass in someone's hand then on fabric behind it

    41. This is what stitches in your eye look like after a corneal transplant surgery.

    Close-up of a human eye with stitches around cornea

    42. Even once they're healed, you can still see them in certain light.

    Close-up of a person's eye and part of their nose, with a reflection of light visible in the eye

    43. No, this isn't a blue-eyed man with a dilated pupil — his eyes are brown, and the pupil is the smaller blot in the middle. He just has a blue ring around his iris.

    Close-up of a person's eye and part of their nose

    44. Here's what it looks like to have a scar on your iris.

    Close-up of a human eye, with a scar on the iris

    45. Here is a hand someone was born with — they ended up having surgery to create a thumb and a single finger.

    A human hand in a curved position with a thumb and two fingers fused together

    46. Here is what it looks like to have toes sewn into your hand to create fingers.

    hand with toes sewn on where fingers normally are

    47. Here is what it looks like on an X-ray to have an enlarged heart.

    Chest X-ray showing lungs and large heart silhouette

    48. Here's how skull cancer changes a skull.

    Human skull with pathological growths on display at an institute

    49. And finally, the power of dentistry is wild to me.

    Before and after of teeth cleaning, showing significant improvement