32 Awful People Who Decided To Make Their Friend's Wedding All About Themselves


    1. This guest literally DRUGGED the bride and caused her to black out the entire day.

    bride telling the story of being drugged by a friend before the wedding

    2. These guests threw a birthday party for their son at a wedding.

    3. This wedding guest took it upon themselves to cut the cake and ended up with...this.

    crumbling cake with a person trying to cut it

    4. This guest wanted not only to propose at the wedding, but also have the bride give away her bouquet instead of doing the bouquet toss.

    her message venting online

    5. This guest added 20 extra people to their RSVP.

    the rsvp with the added people on the list

    6. This bride's guests (actually, seemingly members of her bridal party) offered COCAINE to CHILDREN at her wedding.

    7. This best man STABBED the brother of the bride.

    message from bride saying the best man stabbed her brother and he needs to be taken out of the footage

    8. This maid of honor complained about having to come to wedding festivities, then talked crap about the whole wedding party — and the groom.

    maid of honor talking shit about the bridal party and then also saying she doesn't like the fiance

    9. This bridesmaid stole all the bridesmaid dresses (after she was uninvited due to her daughter hitting the bride) and was trying to sell them to make a quick buck.

    post saying former bridesmaid is holding all the bridesmaid dresses hostage and trying to sell them in an attempt to sabotage the wedding, so don't buy from her

    10. This guest took a ton of food from the reception.

    guest showed up with tupperware to take home food and only gifted the newlyweds $5

    11. These guests got in a massive fight at a wedding, causing the bride to go into false labor — and the mother of the bride didn't make things much better by punching a groomsmen.

    12. This guest wore white to her cousin's wedding because the bride was blind and wouldn't notice.

    woman asking if she's an asshole for wanting to wear white because she looks good in it and her cousin is blind and thought no one would notice that she was in white

    13. This wedding guest sent this anonymous note to the newlyweds a couple weeks after the wedding because they didn't get a thank you note yet.

    note saying they're upset they sent a wedding gift and didnt get a thank you note

    14. This wedding guest really went above and beyond with bad behavior at a wedding.

    guest showed up drunk and grinded on the groom and motorboated the bride

    15. These guests of a bride with cancer expected her to reimburse their flights since she had to postpone her wedding due to cancer treatments.

    16. This guest asked for the wedding address and a ride TWO HOURS before the wedding.

    the text messages

    17. Similarly, this wedding guest — who "basically invited himself and his mom" according to the post — wanted a ride from the bride and groom to the wedding. And they asked four days before.

    hey can mom and i bum a ride to the wedding

    18. This guest straight up invited themselves.

    i never got a wedding invitation because you never asked for my address bu i can't wait to be there for your big day

    19. This guest send a rude email to the bride when he didn't get a quick response from her...for a stupid question he should've known the answer to:

    im not sure you get this email thing you see if i send you an email with a question you typically email me back with an answer

    20. This wedding guest thought it was fine to bring her kid dressed as a lion to the ceremony.

    21. This guest tried to bring her CATS to a wedding.

    22. This guest's boyfriend proposed at a wedding — and then she gushed about the newlyweds "sharing [THEIR] special day."

    the person showing off the ring

    23. This guest make divorce jokes at their best friend's wedding.

    24. This wedding guest wrote this in the guestbook.

    i hope you guys dont get divorced

    25. This would-be guest declined a (nonexisting) invite because he wanted to have sex with the bride.

    26. These non-guests basically broke into a wedding site to invite themselves.

    27. Multiple guests brought giant to-go cups at this wedding...which ended up in all the photos.

    guests holding large gas station cups

    28. This friend of the bride kept stealing stuff she was choosing for her wedding.

    29. This bridesmaid kept demanding for the bride to tell her why she wasn't the maid of honor, then claimed it was because she was "too hot" to stand next to the bride.

    30. This guest — the bride's godmother, no less — threw a huge stink about the no kids policy at the wedding.

    31. This didn't technically happen at a wedding, but it's bad enough I had to include it — this bridesmaid tried to break up the happy couple at the bachelorette party.

    32. And finally, basically everyone at this wedding was trash.

    bride listing all the things that went wrong

    What's the worst thing you've heard of a guest doing at a wedding? Let us know in the comments!

    H/T: r/weddingshaming