50 Awful, Awful, Awful Brides From 2023 Who Showed Their True Colors When They Got Married

    One bride literally asked her sister-in-law to not wear her insulin pump at her wedding. HER INSULIN PUMP. THAT SHE NEEDS TO SURVIVE.

    1. This bride didn't want her best friend to be a bridesmaid — despite her helping PAY FOR THE WEDDING — because of her appearance.

    the long message from the bride saying the bridesmaid will mess up the photos

    2. This person got angry that a guest had to skip the wedding to be with her boyfriend and his dying grandmother.

    bride not being understanding that her friends can't come to the wedding because of family

    3. This bride refused to make her stepdaughters-to-be bridesmaids.

    the long message basically saying that she doesn't want the step-daughters in the wedding

    4. This person wanted donations after eloping...from people they didn't invite.

    email asking for money with a message saying they eloped with a photo attached

    5. This bride was considering completely cutting off her maid of honor for not giving her a bigger discount on her wedding hair.

    bride saying her friend was her stylist years ago and now for her wedding wants to charge her a higher price

    6. This person was angry that their uncle may not be able to officiate their wedding because he might have to organize his aunt's funeral.

    bride saying, she didn't even die yet

    7. This bride expected their bridesmaid to dye their hair.

    long message about having a dress code and way to look for the wedding

    8. This bride expected her sister-in-law to not wear her insulin pump at her wedding.

    oh sure i'll stop being diabetic for your wedding

    9. This person got angry that their guests didn't want to do two hours of volunteer work or donate $50.

    long message about the couple needing to shut down their airbnb so they can host their own wedding there but it'll make them lose money so they are demanding people help

    10. This person wanted to take people to court who RSVPed to their wedding but didn't come.

    i want to put on the invitation that if they rsvp and don't come i'm taking them to court for the cost of their portion of food

    11. This fiancé-to-be complained about the ring her partner got her, then shamed him on Facebook.

    the photo of the ring and complaint on facebook

    12. This bride wanted to restrict their maid of honor from getting pregnant.

    am i selfish for not wanting my maid of honor to be pregnant before my bach

    13. And this one got angry that a bridesmaid got pregnant and also didn't immediately tell her.

    no one could be pregnant at my wedding

    14. This bride was angry two bridesmaids got pregnant.

    is it wrong for me to be upset that 2 of my bridesmaids are pregnant and due the month of my wedding

    15. This person wanted to uninvite the wife of their dad's best friend since their dad's best friend died.

    bride asking if she should univite her after the death

    16. This person wanted a videographer who would pay for their own flights and accommodation to get all the way to Italy and back.

    So far international vendors are more affordable as I wouldn't have to pay travel fees but I'd love to hire someone who is willing to wive their travel fees (or is more affordable/up and coming) for the opportunity to expand their portfolio.

    17. This bride made a rule about a gift minimum.

    gift must be $50 or more

    18. This person wanted a free band because "even Muse did free gigs before they was famous."

    Screenshot of someone being entitled about their wedding

    19. This bride wanted people to buy tickets to their wedding.

    wanting people to buy tickets to help with costs and eliminate people who can't afford to be there

    20. This bride expected her husband to get a second job to pay for their wedding...despite quitting her own job in order to plan the wedding.

    bride asking how she can convince her fiance how to take another job so they can spend even more than the $80 thousand they'll be spending on the wedding

    21. This bride wanted a refund on her wedding photos because she and her husband broke up.

    photographer saying that her job was done and she can't do a refund after a divorce

    22. This bride blamed her sister for having a due date near her wedding on purpose.

    someone comments on the brides post to say to take the deposit for the wedding and instead use if for therapy

    23. This bride was angry their friend was getting married close in time to them.

    24. This bride is angry a bridesmaid can't attend the entirety of a three-night bachelorette because she has a child under a year old.

    bride mad that her friend is a mom with other responsibilities

    25. This bride freaked out when she found out some random person at a hotel was not, in fact, knitting her a shawl.

    person not involved with the wedding was minding her own business and knitting a lacy shawl when the bride thought it was a gift for her despite not knowing the woman

    26. The bride in this story tried to scam her bridesmaids out of $200.

    27. This bride refused to pay for an interpreter for her literal SISTER.

    bride not wanting to pay for the interpreters that have to come to the wedding

    28. This bride didn't want her conservative uncle at her wedding (fair enough), but her and her mom still expected a gift over $1000 from him.

    the story in the newspaper

    29. This bride wanted a ton of custom jewelry last minute and then got mad at perfectly reasonable prices.

    bride not wanting to pay and then getting mad at the jeweler for not being able to meet her demands

    30. This couple stated that they "will expect gifts" and "prefer monetary gifts."

    website details asking guests for money

    31. This couple wanted a photographer to work for free...for THREE DAYS.

    message asking for free work

    32. This person seemed to think that wedding photographers make a higher salary than doctors and pilots.

    person belittling photographers while also asking for one

    33. And this person called photography "a hobby, not a skill"...and also wanted someone with over three to five years of experience.

    34. This wannabe influencer was expecting companies to get her stuff for free.

    35. This person was *totally* planning on paying this teenage drone operator (sarcasm) then had the audacity to call OTHERS Karen and Kevins.

    someone not wanting to pay for a service

    36. This couple assigned their guests offensive names on the RSVPs and couldn't be bothered to learn the name of their friend's wife.

    stefan deep v and wife

    37. This couple wanted people to only buy the expensive items on their registry.

    bride disappointed that people are only buying the cheaper gifts

    38. This bride literally expected a guest to cut their hair into a pixie cut for her wedding.

    39. This person wanted to send save the dates...with notes letting family members know they aren't invited to the wedding.

    how does one nicely inform people they have not been invited to a wedding

    40. This couple expected their bridal party to take a whole week off for their destination wedding.

    41. This person thought they owned their first dance song.

    am i wrong to be upset that they literally stole our first dance song

    42. This couple thought they could exploit teenage volunteers and make it count for their volunteer hours (that are supposed to be at charities).

    43. The bride in this story expected everyone to put their lives on hold for years until her wedding.

    mom and bride expecting the entire friend group to not get engaged or have kids for the full year leading up to the wedding

    44. This bride literally bullied her bridesmaid.

    bridesmaid saying she's being bullied

    45. This bride was angry that all their bridesmaids and groomsmen needed glasses and would thus cause her to "stand out."

    46. This couple felt the need to post a list of rules for their wedding.

    a long list of rules like don't get in the photographers way, don't sulk, tell your kids to be nice

    47. This couple wanted free bus drivers for FOUR DAYS. Don't worry, it'll be fun!!! (It won't.)

    Screenshot of someone being entitled about their wedding

    48. This American Idol contestant expected strangers to donate to his wedding just 'cause.

    Screenshot of someone being entitled about their wedding

    49. This bride caused a scene thinking one gift wasn't big enough, then got the perfect retribution.

    50. And finally, this person literally expected their maid of honor to CHANGE THEIR NAME.

    there can only be one rachel on my big day