25 Times "Teen Wolf" Got Way Too Real

    For a show that used slo-mo in every fight scene, I cried a lot more than I thought I would.

    Teen Wolf might've ended three years ago, but it will forever be in my heart as one of my favorite campy shows.

    It was absolutely ridiculous, but also somehow made me cry CONSTANTLY (usually due to Dylan O'Brien's* acting). In case you'd like to relive some iconic moments with me, I present to you the Teen Wolf moments that utterly broke me.

    1. You know I had to start with this: WHEN ALLISON DIED.

    2. And Lydia sensed it!!

    3. When Allison's father Chris said he could handle the grief, and her boyfriend Isaac said he couldn't.

    4. When Stiles talked Scott out of suicide.

    5. And when Isaac hallucinated his abuse in the same episode.

    6. When Stiles was hiding with an unconscious Cora, and he confessed his fears about his father being dead.

    7. When the sheriff almost died a DIFFERENT time (in Season 5), and Stiles really thought he wasn't going to make it.

    8. When Allison's mom chose to die rather than become a werewolf.

    9. When Stiles began to fade from everyone's memories, and he told Lydia to remember that he loved her.

    10. When Lydia was struggling to remember Stiles, but no one would believe her.

    11. When Kate blamed Allison's friends for her death, and Chris reminded her that Allison died a hero.

    12. When Allison and Scott broke up and he said he knew they'd be together again.

    13. When Stiles was in the hospital and thought Melissa was his late mother.

    14. And when Stiles got the sheriff drunk so that he'd spill details on a case, and he said he missed his late wife.

    15. When Lydia told Jackson she still loved him.

    16. When Aiden died after finally redeeming himself.

    17. When Scott promised Stiles that if he was sick, Scott would help him.

    18. When Hayden died essentially alone.

    19. When Stiles hallucinated his dad blaming him for his mother's death.

    20. When Scott's heart stopped after Theo attacked him, and Melissa saved him.

    21. When Scott found out that Stiles had killed Donovan and didn't believe Stiles when he said it had been an accident.

    22. When Erica died and Derek brought back her body.

    23. When Derek was forced to kill Boyd.

    24. When the gang FINALLY went to rescue Lydia in Eichen House, and she told Stiles it wasn't safe and begged him to leave her behind.

    25. And finally, when Sheriff Stilinski remembered Stiles was his son.

    That's it! Did I miss any? Let me know in the comments!