20 Examples Of Cats Being Nice Because I'm Tired Of The Fake News That They're Evil

    I will hear no more about cats being meanies.

    1. When this cat comforted his owner in the hospital:

    decapitatedwalrus / Reddit

    2. When this kitty gave this doggo a nice, big push!!!

    3. When this cat knew how scary thunderstorms can be!!

    4. When this cat provided comfort to a not-so-furry friend!!

    5. And warmth!!

    6. When this kitty just wanted to help out at the farm:

    7. When this kitty cat showed their friend a little TLC:

    8. When this kitty lent an old rabbit a hand:

    9. When this cat watched out for their owner!!

    10. When this cat knew you just want someone to cuddle with after something scary!

    11. When this kitty decided to act as momma to this baby duck:

    12. When this cat comforted their doggo friend in his moment of need:

    13. When this kitty took in a pupper after a tragic loss:

    14. When this kitty made a sick pupper feel better!!

    15. And this kitty was just there to be a silent support:

    16. When this kitty stayed up to wait for her owner who'd gone clubbing:

    17. And this kitty came in clutch when their human forgot their keys!

    18. When this kitter saved their human a lot of heartache!

    19. When this kitten was there for their human through thick and thin:

    If you want to see more, check out the subreddits Animals Being Bros and Kitty Pupper Love! And, of course, Cats.