My Extremely Opinionated Grandma Rated Popular Trader Joe's Snacks, And She Did Not Hold Back

    Let's just say the winners (and losers) were very, very clear.

    Perhaps you remember my very hilarious and opinionated Grandma Lenny. She's 93 years old and she lives across the street from her favorite store, Trader Joe's.

    Due to the pandemic, my grandmother hasn't been leaving her house much. But recently, she made her first Trader Joe's run in nearly seven months. Just look at the grocery list in hand and the joy in her face.

    My grandma shopping at Trader Joe's!

    But don't worry! I've been delivering Grandma Lenny her favorite T.J.'s products* during the pandemic. She set up a little dining area in her garage where we sit together, and she serves me Trader Joe's assorted crackers and Dunkers and other snacks that have been stashed away in her pantry for years.

    My grandma wearing a mask standing outside her house.

    Grandma Lenny very rarely allows anyone inside her house these days, but on those few occasions, she writes strict rules on sticky notes. Like this one that says, "You'll have no dessert if you forget your serving spoons or mask." Signed, "The Boss."

    Handwritten sticky note rules written by my Grandma.

    Anyway, this past weekend I stopped by Grandma's with a surprise delivery full of popular Trader Joe's snacks. Like the rest of us, she has gotten very into ~athleisure~ during quarantine. I found her in a velour Calvin Klein tracksuit and vintage Juicy couture beanie, which she dressed up with a brooch. I asked her if she was up for a taste test and, of course, she said yes.

    My grandma standing with a countertop full of Trader Joe's snacks.

    1. Sea Salted Saddle Potato Chips

    2. Non-Dairy Oat Beverage

    3. Baked Cheese Crunchies

    My grandma inspecting a bag of baked cheese crunchies.

    4. Chile-Spiced Dried Mangoes

    5. Roasted Seaweed Snacks

    6. Peanut Butter–Filled Pretzel Nuggets

    7. Mochi Rice Nuggets

    8. White Truffle Popcorn

    My grandma digging into a bag of truffle popcorn.

    9. Truffle Hot Sauce With Black Truffles

    10. Green Tea Mochi

    The mochi had so much potential. 😭But next time, Lenny will stick to plain old ice cream.

    My grandma sitting with a wineglass filled with the mochi shell.

    11. Hold The Cone Mini Ice Cream Cones

    Do you have any favorite Trader Joe's snacks you think Grandma Lenny should try? Or do you have any non-Trader Joe's related questions for her? She loves giving advice, food-wise or not. Leave 'em in the comments below!

    My grandma holding a box of green tea mochi.