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Parents: What Are The Best Tips And Tricks You've Discovered For Traveling With Babies Or Children?

When "just leave the kids at home" doesn't cut it...

I'm Hannah, and I'm a first-time mom. I'm gearing up for my first family vacation with my 7-month-old daughter. 😬

A woman helping a baby walk on a dock

While I'm well aware that traveling with an infant will feel quite a bit different from what we're used to pre-baby, I'm excited to show a tiny human how big and amazing the world is. So I want to know, what are your best tricks, tips, and hacks for traveling with a baby or with children (other than leaving them home completely 😉).

A woman holding a baby in a carrier

Perhaps you discovered an incredibly child-friendly destination that you'll be returning to for family trips until the kids go off to college.

Kids building a sand castle

Maybe you pack portable black-out shades to help make a better environment for nap time when you're away from home.

A baby asleep in a portable crib

Or you hand out little goodie bags to your airplane neighbors on a long flight to apologize in advance for your tiny yet whiney passenger.

A child looking out a plane window

Maybe you've discovered the ultimate on-the-go diaper changing hack.

A woman changing a diaper

Or you've discovered the ultimate compact stroller, which folds up in seconds, fits in an overhead compartment, and makes traveling a breeze.

A young girl pushing her baby brother in a stroller

Perhaps you've figured out a tried-and-true tip for helping your baby better adjust to jet-lag.

A girl sleeping on an airplane.

Whatever your best tip for traveling with babies or kids is, I'd love to hear them. What makes these family vacations just a little easier or more enjoyable? Share them in the comments below and your responses could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.