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What Was An Incredible Meal You've Eat While Traveling That You Haven't Stopped Thinking About?

A trip is only as great as the food you eat.

Food is a huge part of traveling. Tasting the local flavors and dishes from a particular region or culture is the most fun and delicious way to immerse yourself in a destination.

So I want to hear about the absolute best meals you've had while traveling.

Aziz Ansari eating in a scene of "Master of None."

Maybe in Hanoi, Vietnam you found a tiny little roadside shop selling the most incredible bánh mì sandwich you've ever tasted.

Someone holding a banh mi sandwich.

Or maybe while visiting Mexico City, you stumbled upon a hole-in-the-wall taqueria with al pastor tacos so delicious, you still think about them whenever you eat Mexican food.

A taco stand in Mexico City.

Perhaps in Florence, a local directed you to his favorite trattoria, and the pizza and pasta-filled meal you ate there will forever go down as one of the best dinners of your life.

Pizzas in a fire-burning oven.

Or while driving across the country on a road trip, you stumbled upon a diner that served up the fluffiest, most buttery, mouthwatering pancakes you still dream about.

A stack of pancakes with eggs.

If you've had an amazing and memorable meal while traveling, don't keep it to yourself! In the comments below, tell us where you were traveling, the name of the incredible restaurant, and what you ate there. (And if you happen to have a photo, upload that too!). Your response might be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!