19 Things You Forgot From Your School Days, But Won't Be Able To Stop Thinking About Now

    There was no greater place than the Scholastic Book Fair.

    1. These adorable little guys who taught you all the basics of counting...

    2. ...Before you upgraded to these bad boys.

    3. The excitement of coming home from the first day of school and decorating all your books with wrapping paper.

    4. This pointy "S" that everyone was obsessed with drawing for some reason.

    5. The immense feeling of pride and superiority when you graduated from pencil to handwriting pen.

    6. The glorious sight of the Scholastic book fair in your school hall...

    7. ...which always came with the sheer excitement of putting in a new book order on this catalogue.

    8. This clock, which taught you everything you needed to know about telling the time.

    9. That deliciously unhealthy rectangular pizza.

    10. The wonders of the WordArt gallery, which was the best form of procrastination.

    11. This iconic parachute that basically turned gym class into a circus.

    12. The excitement of rearranging the classroom desks and getting a brand new seating plan.

    13. This menacing eraser tearing a huge hole in your paper.

    14. The endless collection of cereal box learning coupons.

    15. These Eyewitness books, that were the font of all knowledge and wisdom...

    16. ...until your school upgraded to a state of the art technology suite, that is.

    17. Which is where you would use these uncomfortable giant headphones.

    18. The old-fashioned method of turning off your calculator, which involved covering up the solar panel and starving it of sunlight.

    19. And finally, this cursed instrument.

    H/T r/nostalgia