26 Primary School Things That Are Lodged Deep In Your Subconscious

    Two words: the apparatus.

    When it comes to British primary school in the early ‘00s, it seems there are some experiences that are universal.

    biff chip and kipper from the magic key book

    Yes, we all loved parachute day and were desperate to sit on ~that~ bench, but there are so many more things that were essential to the primary school experience...

    kids playing with a rainbow parachute

    1. Like the flood of disappointment of realising that, even though you'd upgraded to bench privilege, you had to sit on this part.

    the end of school bench

    2. Being absolutely mesmerised by this magical object, which was way more relaxing than it was educational...

    3. Getting totally hooked on all the adventures of Clever Cat, Golden Girl, Bouncy Ben, and co.

    the cover of the letterland ABC book

    4. Drawing a shit self-portrait on a tea towel that your mum probably treasures to this day.

    5. Freezing on the playground the moment this Victorian artefact was brought out.

    a handheld bell

    6. Getting this book, learning "Hot Cross Buns," and thinking you could be the next Mozart.

    "recorder from the beginning"

    7. Building the ultimate poking device out of these bad boys.

    multicoloured stackable maths blocks

    8. This false sense of security.

    the front page of a key stage 2 maths test, with an arrow pointing at the "calculator allowed" box

    9. And the rich, meandering narratives on maths tests, that served as more of a distraction than a help.

    A question from a maths sats paper

    10. The social currency of being able to draw this "S."

    the special superman s

    11. Two words: the apparatus.

    a gym with multicoloured apparatus

    12. And the apparatus' less fun cousin – the pommel horse.

    a pommel horse

    13. Being in desperate need of a wet paper towel after getting hit in the face with this weapon.

    an old leather football

    14. The immense feeling of pride and superiority when you finally got your license to use one of these.

    six handwriting pens

    15. Followed closely by the sense of betrayal when you learned that the blue side does not, infact, erase pen.

    an old blue and red rubber eraser

    16. The endless collection of cereal box learning coupons.

    a pile of box top education coupons

    17. Learning how to become King of the road from these two lads.

    18. And of course, decorating your bookbag and coat with these the moment the clocks went back.

    a pile of reflective keyrings

    19. Being desperate to get the chance to use this superior instrument in music class.

    The güiro, claves, and xylophone = the music class holy trinity.

    20. Using these in swimming lessons, but never questioning why every single one had a chunk bitten out of it.

    two swimming boards

    21. This "treat," which is literally just a hot dog bun covered in icing sugar.

    a hot dog bun covered in icing

    22. Using these exact headphones whenever you got the use the classroom computer...

    Sure, they squashed your ears, but how else would you Paint in peace?

    23. ...And being slightly afraid of shutting it down properly, courtesy of this message.

    The forbidden "off" button was very alluring, though.

    24. Belting out "Harvest Time," "Kumbaya," and all the top hits from this book in singing assembly.

    If the teach split everyone into separate groups for a canon, you knew things were about to go wild.

    25. And these books, which were the font of all knowledge and wisdom...

    a page about cricket from an eyewitness book

    26. And finally, the primary school answer to the Met Gala.

    two kids with clown face paint and red noses

    Don't forget to share your favourite primary school moments in the comments, so we can all relive the memories!