14 Facts About The Past That Were Too Scandalous For History Class

    "Let's talk about sex, baby" – everyone in the past, apparently.

    1. The world's first microbiologist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek discovered sperm after putting his own semen under the microscope.

    2. Ancient Egyptians believed that the god of creation birthed the world by masturbating, and viewed it as a magical act.

    3. During WW1, STIs were incredibly common, and some soldiers purposely tried to get infected so that they could be honourably discharged and avoid the trenches.

    4. The last German Emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm II had a teenage crush on his mum, and even wrote her letters detailing the sexual dreams he had about her.

    5. Mozart composed a song which literally translates to "Lick me in the arse."

    6. Author Victor Hugo was so popular with the local sex workers, when he died, every brothel in Paris closed down for a day of mourning.

    7. In Ancient Greece, large penises were associated with foolishness, which would explain why so many statues have tiny ones.

    8. King Charles had a plethora of royal mistresses, including actress Nell Gwyn, who gave one of her rivals a laxative-laced cake to sabotage her relationship with the king.

    9. Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, had sex in the graveyard her mum was buried in.

    10. Irish Author James Joyce wrote some pretty kinky love letters about farts.

    11. When he was 27, author Edgar Allan Poe married his 13-year-old cousin.

    12. When Churchill was visiting the Whitehouse during WWII, Franklin D. Roosevelt accidentally caught him in his birthday suit.

    13. King Tutankhamun was mummified with a boner.

    14. When Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel he added in a bunch of secret messages, including what some believed were insults to the pope.

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