19 Questions I, A British Person, Have About American High School

    What are the bleachers, and why is everyone making out under them?

    I didn't go to high school in America, but after watching a lot of teen dramas over the years, I've got some questions about what actually goes down in American high schools...

    1. Do cheerleaders really wear their uniforms 24/7?

    2. And do the wrestling team actually wear these outfits?!

    3. Basically, does dress code just not apply?

    4. Are the teenage boys always really ripped?

    5. And do girls magically skip that awkward phase?

    6. What are the bleachers, and why is everyone making out under them?

    7. How does everyone get so many free periods?

    8. And do kids actually break into the school and hang out there in their free time?

    9. Why is the new kid always super hot and mysterious?

    10. And why do students only apply to one university?

    11. Do you actually pick up all your friends on the way to school?

    12. Does the gym coach really teach sex ed?

    13. And do you actually dissect frogs in biology class?

    14. Why are kids from different cliques constantly at war with each other?

    15. But then constantly sending texts throughout the entire school?

    16. Is your underage drinking as classy as it looks?

    17. And why are parents so heavily involved in all the school drama?

    18. Are ~the big dance~ and ~the big game~ as important as everyone makes out?

    19. And finally, do you really have that much school spirit?