Alison Hammond Breaks Down Her Best Moments

    "Yes, it was a joke. But imagine looking into Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and actually doing your vows. In my head, it really happened."

    Alison Hammond is a national treasure, so we had to get her into the studio to break down her most iconic moments – buckle up and get ready to relive some true TV gold.

    Person smiling in a black sequined outfit at an awards event

    When she hit our screens on Big Brother

    Two individuals from a TV show sitting together, person on the left smiling towards someone off-camera

    The This Morning segment that almost saw her getting arrested in Italy

    A person dressed as a police officer and another in a glamorous outfit posing, with blurred tourists in the background

    What is quite possibly the most iconic Beyoncé interview (and the tensest game of Connect 4 ever captured on screen)

    Character in a turtleneck plays Connect Four in a movie scene

    That time she married The Rock on live TV

    A man and Alison, both in wedding attire, appear in a TV show segment titled "ALISON'S REUNITED WITH THE ROCK."

    The brutally honest Blade Runner interview

    Three people laughing and conversing in a warmly lit room, seated comfortably around a small table

    When she accidentally pushed one of the poor This Morning models into the river

    Two people attempt a daring cold water plunge on live TV, with one person wearing a colorful outfit

    And then of course her newest show, Smart TV

    Three hosts stand on the set of a TV show titled 'Smart TV,' smiling for the photo

    Watch the full interview here!

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