18 Things We All Did In The '90s But Will Never Do Again

    It was a simpler time...

    1. Everyone had biceps of steel from winding down the car windows.

    2. You probably wasted a lot of your time listening out for your favourite hits to come on the radio so you record the ultimate mix tape.

    3. And you'd spend ages rehearsing the best voicemail message for your home phone.

    4. Many hours of the '90s were spent trying to decipher the shapes in our Magic Eye books.

    5. As was the extreme sport of trying to make it back in front of the TV before the ad break finished and your show came back on.

    6. You saved all your modern class projects on ~modern~ floppy disks.

    7. Your summer days most likely included drinking as much Sunny D as you could to work out just how much it would take to turn you yellow.

    8. And blowing into your games cartridges was basically a daily ritual.

    9. Kids today will never understand the pain of having to rewind an entire VHS tape with your eyes closed just to avoid spoilers.

    10. Or having to spend your allowance paying Blockbuster fines.

    11. You most likely spent many hours trying to salvage your favourite cassette after suffering a disaster like this.

    12. But once you progressed onto CDs, you probably took a while trying to find clothes with pockets that could actually fit your CD player in.

    13. Most '90s kids lost many hours trying to figure out the exact rules of Minesweeper...

    14. ...When we weren't taking part in a serious Pokémon card exchange...

    15. ...Or hearing songs on the radio, and then completely guessing the lyrics.

    16. Private conversations were pretty much non-existent — all your gossiping took place on the corded home phone, which was probably in the living room.

    17. If you were lucky enough to have a phone, you threw it around with reckless abandon, never worrying about cracking the screen.

    18. And long gone are the days of looking up numbers in the giant phone book.

    God, I miss the '90s!