17 Embarrassing Facebook Statuses We All Made In The '00s

    If you weren't in a complicated relationship at some point, did you even have Facebook?

    1. No '00s Facebook profile was without an unsubtle indirect:

    2. Or the status where you informed everyone that you were about to get DRUNK:

    3. Which was usually followed by the one where you let everyone know just how crazy your night was:

    4. We all had a status or two from when we left our accounts unattended:

    5. And of course, the one where you were feeling pretty sorry for yourself:

    6. But it was also a great place to tell the world how important your friends were:

    7. An essential status for any '00s teen was one where you wrote everything in the third person:

    8. And the one that was just blatant flirting:

    9. You can't forget the inevitable status where you tried to make your love life seem way more interesting than it actually was:

    10. And one that included deep, meaningful lyrics was a must:

    11. If you didn't post this at least once, did you even have Facebook?!

    12. We all made at least one status that was a straight-up rant:

    13. And lots of updates that no one asked for:

    14. You couldn't go wrong with a good 'ole attention-seeking status:

    15. Every school kid definitely posted this at least once:

    16. Uplifting quotes were very essential:

    17. But nothing was as important as those bold, empowering statements: