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13 Intense Movie Moments That Will Make You Break A Sweat

THE SUSPENSE MIGHT KILL YOU. But hopefully you're dressed in underwear and apparel from Hanes X-TEMP®, because it keeps you cool under pressure.

1. Dial M for Murder (1954)

2. Rosemary's Baby (1968)

3. Jaws (1975)

John Williams strikes cinematic gold with his revolutionary score. The menacing, unceasing visceral hum of the theme from Jaws haunts every suspenseful moment and takes it to the extreme.

Stress Level: So sweaty you might as well be swimming in the Pacific. WATCH OUT FOR JAWS THO!

4. Goodfellas (1990)

5. Silence of the Lambs (1990)

The penultimate scene of this horror-crime flick, the main character (played by Jodi Foster) confronts Buffalo Bill, a disturbed serial killer, in his pitch-black basement after pursuing him for weeks.

Stress Level: Oh, what's that? You peed your pants, you said? Us too.

6. Jurassic Park (1993)

7. Pulp Fiction (1994)

The stakes are high in this classic Tarantino flick. Ms. Mia Wallace is suffering from an overdose, and her caretaker Vincent must find a way to revive her. The answer? An adrenaline shot to the chest.

Stress Level: The stress might actually kill you, but hang in there, because Mia's revival will give you the will to survive. The pressure is real.

8. Children of Men (2006)

Like a few others on this list, every second of this dystopian film is drenched in dramatic tension. One of the most intense scenes involves a surprise ambush when a group of travelers attempts to find safety.

Stress Level: High, but we wonder if you'll be able to feel it with that broken heart you'll have after watching the scene mentioned above.

9. There Will Be Blood (2007)

At the end of Paul Thomas Anderson's epic about oil tycoon Daniel Plainview, the main character shocks all when he confronts his nemesis in the dramatic climax. "I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE."

Stress Level: The fear of Daniel Plainview stepping off of the screen and into your living room to drink YOUR milkshake will keep you awake for many nights to come.

10. No Country for Old Men (2007)

11. In Bruges (2008)

12. Inglourious Basterds (2009)

Tarantino sets the tone early in his epic WWII film with an excruciatingly tense scene between a Nazi interrogator and a man who just so happens to be hiding stowaway Jews underneath the floorboards. For nearly four very long minutes, we wait on the edge of our seats to see who survives.

Stress Level: This scene is so intense that you might literally sweat to death.

13. Gravity (2013)

Prepare to watch the most intensely suspenseful movie scenes with apparel and underwear from Hanes X-Temp®. It keeps you cool under pressure.