We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    Just 31 Products That Are Major Organization Life Hacks

    If organizing sparks joy for you too, read on.

    1. A magnetic meal planner to keep on your fridge so you can plan out the week's meals and what you need to make them, plus jot down any staples you need to replace as soon as you run out. It's also perforated, so you can tear the shopping list side off and take it to the store with you! 

    This is especially helpful if you're trying to save money!

    Promising review: "The weekly meal planner and shopping list combo is super cute and convenient! It sticks great to the refrigerator and does not break off like other brands do and it’s helped me be a little bit more organized. I highly recommend this item!" —Teek86

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99.

    2. A sleek, space-efficient silverware sorter with stacked compartments so you can easily find and grab your utensils — and basically tame the wild beast that is your current impressively messy silverware drawer.

    Promising review: "Amazing organizer. I have hated every single utensil organizer I've bought. I always felt like they took up too much space, and were generally too bulky. I randomly came across this, and it's BRILLIANT! It takes up almost no horizontal space in my drawer, which means I can better use my only kitchen drawer. Anyone who has a small kitchen or lots of kitchen gadgets or hates seeing your forks looking all willy-nilly, you NEED this. I cannot express how much I absolutely love this. I cook 99% of our meals, spend a lot of time in the kitchen, and have just about every gadget you could want. This is my favorite kitchen purchase EVER. I would give up my Vitamix, my KitchenAid, and maybe my husband for this thing." —Molly

    Get it on Amazon for $11.99+ (available in four colors and two style).

    3. A pack of heavy-duty stick-on hidden drawers if you have a bare-bones desk ~like me~ that doesn't have any drawers of its own. This'll upgrade your workspace without taking up any precious room on the top of your desk, while giving ya a little more storage to work with.

    a close-up of two drawers under a wood desk filled with an iPad, pencils, letters, etc.

    Promising review: "I needed some type of easy storage option to keep [my space] decluttered when working. I chose this one because it came with two drawers. One big enough for my tablet and papers, and a small tray section at front for easy to reach smaller things. The other drawer is for pens, highlighters, etc (I keep a stapler in it too). It slides out fully and then DOWN so you have a 'cup' style action. It's easy to get what you need without digging. These drawers were the perfect size and tone, the included mounting tape is SUPER STRONG (and you get twice as much as you need to install them) even with a heavy stapler and chock-full with some heavy things the drawers have stayed attached and slide out smooth with no issues. Great purchase for the value." —Chris

    Get it from Amazon for $25.99 (available in two colors).

    4. And a v handy set of pen holders that attach to the underside of your monitor, if you're *also* like me and in a constant state of losing and desperately searching for your pens so you can write another harried sticky note (*wipes sweat off forehead*). These bbs can also hold other small office supplies, keeping your must-haves close by and organized without taking up any precious space on your desk.

    three gray holders attached to a monitor, holding pens, pencils, sticky notes, and paper clips

    Some reviewers opted to use Command strips to attach these for the stronger long-term adhesion and easy removability. 

    Promising review: "After reading all the reviews, I purchased a set of Command strips at the same time and used them to mount my holders to my monitor. They worked perfectly! I especially like that by using the Command strips, the holders are removable. We will be having a redesign of our office in a couple of months and being able to remove the holders will make it easier to pack and store my monitor during the process. The small holder easily fits my sticky note tabs and a white-out correction tape. The larger holder I put my personal pens in so no one will pick them up off my desk and use them. Very handy little organizers!" —Amazon Customer

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $6.94.

    5. A popular pack of six Command cord bundlers so you can, once and for all, get a handle on the knotted mass of electronics cables and appliance cords that are taking over your apartment like the iron-fisted rats who rule New York City. There is a way out, I promise!!

    A reviewer's photo of the cord bundler attached to the back of a KitchenAid
    A reviewer's photo of the cord organizer being used on a small fan

    The bundlers work with damage-free adhesive.

    Promising review: "I have one of these attached to almost every cord-having thing I own and for maybe $30 in total I feel like my whole life got a facelift. My stand mixer looks better on the counter and it stays clean even when everything else is a mess. My space heaters store so neatly in the linen closet. I have an HDMI cord bundled to the back of each TV. There's a bundler stuck between my car's dash and console which holds two phone chargers. Truly, especially for the price, I could not recommend something more highly." —Amber Stewart

    Get it from Amazon for $10.57.

    6. A freestanding stackable cabinet organizer that'll (*drumroll*) neatly organize the many, many water bottles you've acquired over the past decade. Really, have you ever seen anything so beautiful?! As a millennial water bottle lover (unwitting collector?) I HAVE NOT.

    before image of water bottles in a cabinet
    After image of them stacked in the organizer

    This can also be used for wine bottles.

    Promising review: "I got this after being influenced by others on TikTok and am so glad that I did. These worked great to organize and store all my tumblers. It even fit my 30-ounce cups, although they don't sit all the way down into the opening it still stores them. I could use one more of these in this cabinet to store the rest of my koozies and cups. I love the color, and these are made from thick, sturdy material that won't warp or break over time. So happy with this purchase!" —Heather

    Get an eight-bottle holder from Amazon for $32.99 (available in six sizes and three colors). 

    7. A device charging station with a glorious ~six~ roomy slots for organizing and seamlessly charging all of your must-have devices, so you can get rid of the mass of tangled cables on your desk and floor. Plus, since you'll have a designated spot for all of your tech products, you'll misplace them less often.

    Promising review: "I was expecting something a little bigger, a little bulkier. What I got was a pleasant little package that packs a cool punch. You have to assemble the plastic separators but once that's done and you've plugged it in, there are some really cool features. The first was unexpected: There are six USB-to-iPhone cables included in the box! The second cool feature is the plastic separating shelves light up. it's really attractive. The best part about the lights, however, is that they TURN OFF when your device is fully charged. How cool is that? I bought this to use in my bedroom at night for my kids to plug in their devices before bed. It's not too bright to disturb my sleep (but it is across the room). I am very pleased with this product and would definitely recommend!"—Morgan Hanzlik

    Get it from Amazon for $29.23.

    8. set of Wonder Hangers to fully maximize hanging and storage space inside your closet so all your clothes might finally fit inside.

    Promising review: "These wonder hangers are WONDERful. My closet space has doubled, at least. I have ordered them for every closet in my home. I also recommended them to friends and family. I love them." —Nancy J

    Get a 10-pack from Amazon for $13.99+ (available in other multipack sizes and three colors).

    9. label maker (!!!) for keeping track of EVERYTHING your heart desires, so you'll never have to open every container you own looking for those stamps that you KNOW are around here *somewhere*. Catch me gleefully labeling every jar, box, and dropper bottle in my path, serotonin raining down.

    label maker in pink
    reviewer photo of containers with labels on them made with label maker

    Depending on how many rolls of label tape you want, you can snag extra rolls here.

    Promising reviews: "This product is great for labeling things. The machine is portable, which I like because I can bring it anywhere with me. The label size varies depending on the items I want to label. I am a teacher so this is very useful for labeling students' items." —N.A.

    "Life is so much simpler! This may be this year's smartest Amazon purchase. When did label making become SO easy? The entire process from start to finish is incredibly simple. I have yet to discover the many things this unit can do. I look forward to learning more." —Bel-ami

    Get the label maker and one pack of label tape from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in six colors as well as with three or five packs of label tape).

    10. A popular pan holder because your shelves don't have to be a terrifying mass of loosely Tetris-ed pots and pans that may come tumbling down at any moment should you ever want to USE said pans. This rack will neatly organize them and give you your pantry space back. 

    A rack holding up five different sizes pans in a cabinet

    Promising review: "We have old cupboards, without the drawers that pull out to make access easier. Before we got this rack, our pots and pans were a jumble in a cupboard beneath the cook top. We have so much more space now that the skillets are stacked on this rack. A side benefit is that the nonstick pans don't get scratched because they aren't stacked inside one another. We love it." —Susan E.

    Get it from Amazon for $14.87 (available in three colors/finishes).

    11. A felt purse insert if you're constantly digging around the black hole that is your purse for your lip balm, wallet, keys, or phone...because weirdly they always disappear into the void the moment you really, really need them. This long-needed organizer fits right inside your bag, with 13 pockets for you to sort and stash all of your essentials so your busy life can be just a little easier.

    the inside of a cluttered purse
    the same purse organized with a red insert

    Before you order, measure the inside of your bag to get the best fit!

    Promising review: "This thing is great! I have a large bag I use as a carry-on when I fly by plane. Unfortunately it has very few pockets and is just like a bottomless pit. This fit in perfectly. I was able to organize all my items quite well. They were easy to retrieve in flight and in the airport. I didn't use the zipper compartment at all, but did put that piece in to use it as a divider. It is well-made and sturdy. Be sure to measure your inner bag space first!" —Susan

    Get it from Amazon for $11.46+ (available in six sizes and 23 colors).

    12. A ball cap organizer so you can nicely store and organize your hats without taking up an inordinate amount of space, crushing their shape after improperly storing them, or losing track of them and accidentally sitting on them. 😳 (Not NOT speaking from experience here.)

    ball cap organizer mounted on wall with several hats inside
    Someone grabbing a ball cap out of the wall-mounted organizer

    Promising review: "Instead of using the screws to install the Dome Dock, I used Command Strips. Works like a charm and no damage to the wall. Simple design and great way to keep ball caps organized. I will highly recommend." —emankins

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in two colors and in packs of two).

    13. A portable nail polish organizer that'll hold all your polishes and then some, and is so beloved that one reviewer literally owns 10. The organization possibilities are endless (i.e. GLORIOUS), and since you'll be able to see all your polishes at a glance, it'll help prevent you from accidentally repurchasing a shade you already own.

    A reviewer's clear nail polish organizer open and filled with polishes
    A reviewer's hand holding their shut clear polish organizer, full of their polishes

    One reviewer also used it for storing their sewing threads! It fits 48 nail polishes and has eight adjustable dividers. Reviewers write that larger bottles fit more snugly.

    Promising review: "Incredibly useful way to organize bigger nail polish collections. Love it! Now have a second one ready to fill up. Totally worth it and makes them much easier to transport. Highly recommend!" —Erika Martinez

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (available in two colors and three sizes).

    14. A yoga mat holder to actually make your workout space tidy instead of chaotic, because that pile of gym stuff in the corner is downright stress-inducing. And, once your workout area is calm and collected, you can focus on manifesting your own calmness during yoga.

    Promising review: "I love this product! It feels so much better to keep my yoga mats up off the floor when not in use. It’s also been great to have a single place to keep all of my exercise equipment organized in one place. I have four mats, a yoga block, resistance bands, and mini resistance bands on mine and it feels sturdy and looks great!" —dorothy m. haber

    Get it from Amazon for $23.99+ (available in three colors and in a pack of two). 

    15. K-Cup storage drawer for organizing all of your beloved coffee pods while giving your Keurig the little throne it deserves.

    Each of these holds up to 36 standard-sized K-Cups.

    Promising review: "I am so glad I got this. It makes for such great streamlined storage. Keeps things tidy and neat, and also helps me keep track of how many cups I have left to determine whether or not I need to add to my grocery list. It is very sturdy and I fit my machine on top. The top is very durable, hard plastic and does not buckle with the weight of the machine filled with water on top." —tunisianswife

    Get it from Amazon for $19.39+ (available in 10 styles).

    16. A slim rolling storage cart sturdy enough to hold a plethora of items and narrow enough to fit in the few inches between your bed and nightstand, washer and dryer, or sink and bathtub. A versatile organization home-run if there ever was one.

    Reviewer photo of the cart between washer and dryer
    Reviewer showing their cart in their bathroom loaded with toiletries

    Promising review: "I think this is one of the best buys I have made to help organize my living space. I used one in the laundry room for all those bottles of detergent, one in the bath next to the sink and one in my pantry for large spice jars. Very reasonably priced and quite easy to assemble, and moves around easily. I do move them carefully since the stuff I have on them is heavy." —Shinhopple

    Get it from Amazon for $21.99 (available in three colors).

    17. A 60-pack of self-stick organizing tabs so you can take notes and mark important pages in one fall swoop, making you an effortless organization queen/king.

    Tabbed note pages stuck to a notebook to make neon tabs on the edges of it

    Promising review: "These babies are pretty sturdy and they make putting notes in a book, or planner, or magazine, or whatever a complete breeze. I really like the ease of these and if you are creative you can make these work for any project. I use them in my textbooks to summarize my notes on a chapter. I also have short term memory loss after a car accident, I like reading novels, but can't remember things. So I use one of these as a bookmark, and take a few minutes to jot down key things from the book. I really, really, really like these and I am glad they exist." —Delaney

    Get a two-pack of 60 from Amazon for $12.46 (available in various packs).

    18. A lid organizer because frankly, your Tupperware drawer is a nightmare. This handy thing will keep the lids of all your food storage containers blissfully tidy and neat. TG.

    a reviewer's drawer with a chaotic mess of lids
    the same drawer with the lids neatly stored int he organizer

    Promising review: "I have forever had problems keeping my storage lids organized. I used to keep them in a large storage container that I only used a few times a year, but whenever I needed a lid, I had to dig through the pile inside that large container. Not a good solution! I found this by accident on Amazon, and I was intrigued. I looked at the reviews and decided that for the price, it was worth the risk. When I received it, it was very simple to assemble. Included are plastic separators that snap into little slots on the sides. It was a quick and easy setup. All of my storage container lids are now housed in the organizer and fits into a nice space in my storage container drawer. So much of my time has been saved from having to dig through lids, and inadvertently dropping things and generally being annoyed by my old system. This new organizer has helped so much!" —Jami Lynn

    YouCopia is a woman-owned small business that specializes in home organization products.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in a variety of sizes and styles).

    19. full-length storage mirror with six LED lights that opens up to *simply SO much* storage space for all of your makeup, skincare, and jewelry picks. The LED lights turn on when you open the door so you can see what you're doing! One million chef's kisses.

    a reviewer poses in the full length mirror
    the same reviewer shows the inside of the storage mirror with jewelry hanging

    This rectangular cabinet has five shelves, two drawers, one bracelet rod, one ring cushion, 32 necklace hooks, 48 stud earring holes, and 90 earring slots. To install it, just pop it over your door or mount it on the wall. The door hangers are included.

    Promising review: "This is probably the best purchase I have ever made on Amazon. This is very well-made. Like incredibly well-made. It stores sooo much stuff!!! My daughter loved it and now I am eyeing one for myself. My daughter had jewelry and trinkets everywhere in her room. This put everything neatly in one space. It's elegant and well made. Mirror + jewelry holder = game changer." —Linnette

    Get it from Amazon for $139.99 (available in eight colors).

    20. A stylish, rustic over-the-sink shelf for making use of the full length of your sink for organizing your toiletries without having to deal with your faucet. It's sturdy enough to hold all your skincare essentials, plus decor. (Candles, anyone?)

    A rustic brown shelf placed over the back of a bathroom sink
    The 904 Blonde Squad / Etsy

    Promising review: "I’m very happy with this product. It’s exactly what I needed to organize my bathroom sink. The item is well made, great quality. Customer service was also great. I highly recommend this seller and this item in particular." —Constanza Jozami

    The 904 Blonde Squad is a Florida-based small biz that custom-makes home decor and storage.

    Get it from The 904 Blonde Squad on Etsy for $28.50+ (available in 16 widths, six heights, and 20 colors).

    21. An under-desk printer cart, which will solve the problem that you have been living with for far too long, *namely* the apocalyptic bulk that is your printer (and printer paper) area. You can perch your printer on top of this nifty cart, which has three shelves for extra office and printer supplies storage. Immediately, YES.

    If you want to use this on top of your desk, the wheels come off so it can sit directly on your desktop.

    Promising review: "This is an awesome little stand that holds all my office supplies safely and organized under my desk to allow more desk space for working. Really good find and value." —Kayla F.

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99+ (available in two colors).

    22. A little sink corner tray that is as delightful as it is useful (because anyone who washes a lot of dishes knows something this useful IS delightful!). It'll hold all your kitchen sink staples, like your sponge, hand soap, dish towel, etc. so they'll be neatly organized instead of strewn on the sopping wet top of your sink. 

    a gray sink corner caddy holding various cleaning supplies

    Plus, it has holes on the bottom for water to drain into the sink, so your sponge will last longer.

    Promising review: "Organization and simplicity at its best, and at a fair price. This little piece of plastic has made a WORLD of difference for my sink. Before, I'd always knock the liquid dish soap into my sink when reaching for it, or even the hand soap or sponge would get knocked around. Not to mention all the germs they were exposed to, just sitting on the sink. This has helped organize the space as well as providing protection from germs. It also fits well with almost any color you may have in your kitchen, so it's perfect." —Anna Kilgore

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99.

    23. A collapsible car trunk organizer to neatly store all the "just in case" items you keep in the back of your car, like water bottles, umbrellas, chargers, and jackets. It'll also help manage all the other day-to-day stuff you lug around, like groceries and your kiddo's sports equipment, so they don't roll around in your trunk like bowling balls. 😬

    A black trunk organizer inside a car trunk filled with car accessories, groceries, an umbrella and more in its mesh side pockets

    Promising review: "It was just what I needed for my messy and unorganized truck! I wanted something not too bulky, but just the right size to help me reorganize my trunk. This product did that for me. I was also concerned that it’ll move when I drove but luckily there is Velcro on the bottom that secures it in place while you drive, and sure enough it did just that! This product does not take up a lot of space and gives you the right amount of measure to place other things like groceries and a suitcase. I am completely satisfied and content with this product! I wish I had it all along!" —Neese

    Get it from Amazon for $13.17.

    24. A magnetic stove shelf for you to organize your cooking staples and keep them conveniently within arm's reach. This is especially a game-changer for frequently used items like olive oil, salt, and pepper.

    Check out a TikTok of the StoveShelf!

    I have one of these and it has been such a help in making cooking easier and keeping my kitchen space more organized. I love that my most-used spices and oils have a designated home in the ~center of the action~. The shelf is also very sturdy so I don't have to worry about anything falling or interfering with cooking on the stove. All in all, a much-appreciated upgrade that I would sorely miss if I had to go without it.

    Promising review: "The shelf installed in a snap. It has two sturdy magnets that hold it securely onto the slightly rounded back of my stove. I felt comfortable setting a full jar of honey on it, and I haven’t seen it move at all as I have been cooking. I have limited space in the kitchen, so I’m really happy to have an additional place to set things I need frequently. It doesn’t look like an add-on; it looks like part of the stove. I’m really happy with it!" —Sylvia J.

    StoveShelf is a US-based small business that specializes in stove shelves for various sized stoves.

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99+ (available in three sizes and six colors).

    25. A personalized charger cable name tag if you're sick of your roommates, kids, or coworkers borrowing your cables and "adopting" them as their own — or simply no longer want to be confused about whose charger is whose. Allow these sleek name tags to solve the problem, leaving you with a more organized system and home in the process.

    three personalized cable name tags on three different cords
    Delightful Luna / Etsy

    Along with the nametag, this bundle also includes a new charger for iPhone or Android!

    Promising review: “These stopped the fighting in my household over cords. Great, very useful product!” —Jen Testa 

    Delightful Luna is a North Carolina-based small biz that makes cute, 3D-printed problem-solving products for you and your home.

    Get it from Delightful Luna on Etsy for $5.50+ (available in 16 colors and for iPhone and Android).

    26. A set of reviewer-beloved closet dividers to easily separate and section your shelves, so you can stack linens, clothes, toiletries, and anything you like into neat piles that won't topple over. These are super helpful for jumpstarting tidying up!

    The closet dividers separating piles of folded clothes
    The closet dividers organizing a shelf of blankets and laundry soap

    The plastic-coated metal dividers are 12 inches tall and 3 inches wide. They don't require any installation hardware and slip easily onto standard shelving (wood, pressed board, or melamine shelving up .75 inches thick).

    Promising reviews: "These are AMAZING. I always was frustrated with trying to keep my cardigans, sweatshirts, and sweatpants from falling on top of each other on the closet shelf, and now I could not be happier. The separators actually triple the space I could use because they straighten items and eliminate unused space. Installed in a matter of minutes. HIGHLY RECOMMEND for those who need some organization in the closet, but are not sure where to start. Suitable for my wood shelves that are a little less than one inch. We live in an apartment and I wanted something to just slide off and take at the end of the lease, with no damage to the closet." —Jay

    "Easy to use and made a big difference. Love these! They saved my linen closet from being a cluttered mess. They just slide on your shelf and change your life." —Rebecca V

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $17.99 (also available in a set of eight and twelve).

    27. A mail organizer with helpful key hooks so you can stash your mail, keys, and even hats and purses by the door so they're organized and ready to go when you are (and so you don't waste precious time frantically searching for them when you're already running late).

    Reviewer's clear mail organizer with hanging keys
    Reviewer's clear mail organizer holding hats and a purse

    Promising reviews: "Perfect little organizer. Exactly what we needed to get the mail off the kitchen table. It holds at least a week's worth of mail. You can also use two pairs of medium Command strips to put it up instead of drilling holes. If you're going to hang keys and have mail in it I would say use more command strips." —Erin

    "Useful product that does what it's supposed to do. We love this thing. Fits our space perfectly, holds keys and incoming mail, easy to install. Exactly what I was looking for at this price. Chose it because others were too large for the slim area or too pricey. This one does the trick!" —Claire

    Get it from Amazon for $12.49

    28. vertical shoe tower because OMG, a sea of disarrayed shoes by the front door is kind of the worst. This compact, sturdy shoe rack will give you *so* much more storage space for all the shoes in your household so you can have some peace of mind, goshdarnit — because an organized space is a peaceful space, and a peaceful space is a peaceful mind. Mic drop.

    reviewer image of the white shoe tower
    reviewer showing the side view of the shoe tower and how it's thin enough to fit right next to a door

    Promising review: "Love it! This shoe rack is a lifesaver in keeping my entryway in my apartment looking neat and organized! So happy I bought it; easy to assemble and it looks great! Highly recommend as a great way to keep shoes organized especially when you have a lot of guests visiting!" —SM

    Get it from Amazon for $65.99+ (available in three colors and two sizes).

    29. tea bag organizer so you can finally organize your beloved tea bag collection. Now you'll be free of all the clutter of half-full tea boxes, and you'll be able to see all your flavors neatly and at a glance. TBH, for us tea lovers, there's nothing better!

    Reviewer photo of the organizer next to a stack of flattened tea boxes
    Reviewer holding the organizer and showing how slim it is

    I finally got one of these, and it has been THE BEST. All of my crumpled, half-full tea boxes were starting to really bum me out and felt very cluttered. Having all my tea bags organized now has been such a joy! I enjoy even just looking at all the different flavors now, plus it's so much easier to just grab a bag for some tea. Highly recommend for any fellow tea lovers who may be on the fence, like I was!

    Promising review: "I love it so, so much! It has eliminated all the boxes of teabags cluttering up my cupboards and opened up some space I can use for my loose leaf teas. Everything is easy to find and pull out, and you can remove each little plastic holder to fill with ease. Tea is now so much simpler and enjoyable, and no boxes of bags lie forgotten in the back, as I discovered when I pulled out all the boxes to fill this. The design is simple yet elegant enough to leave on the counter. I highly recommend this organizer for tea lovers." —Alexia

    YouCopia is a woman-owned small business that specializes in home organization products.

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in two sizes).

    30. A headboard with storage that you can add behind your bed for organizing all of your nighttime essentials without any dreaded nightstand clutter, aka the dream. It fits everything from laptops, extra pillows, and books to creams, stuffed animals, and retainers — and then some.

    a bed with a black storage headboard behind it
    several devices stored in the shelves of the brown wooden storage headboard

    Promising review: "Item was easy to put together. Great buy for the price. I would definitely recommend this item to a college student or someone wanting something simple to help dress up their bedroom and add some organization to their space!!" —Cindy Becerra 

    Get it in a full/queen size from Amazon for $152.40+ (available in five colors).

    31. desk organizer set designed with a magnetic wooden base so you can arrange its six storage compartments however you'd like. It also has a nonslip bottom, so it'll stay put on your desk instead of slidin' around.

    diagram showing how compartments snap into holder with 8 pounds of magnetic force
    the organizer on a reviewer's desk holding pens, paper clips, sticky notes and more

    It has four cups (two tall, one medium, and one small), a phone stand, and a sticky note tray.

    Promising review: "I bought this product for my office at work. I wanted to purchase something that looked more professional than other products, and this one really caught my eye. But I have to admit the big selling point is the customization factor. There are countless options that can be configured. I'm someone who likes to mix up their office space every couple of months to keep things fresh, and this organizer is the perfect addition for me. I was actually able to use my phone while it was on the organizer thanks to the great sticky pads that came with the product that you can place on the bottom. This thing really isn't going anywhere. Overall, I'm very happy with the purchase. The magnets are just strong enough, the customization is there, the rubber pads keep it all in place, and it looks great!" —One of those IT guys

    The Office Oasis is a small, family-owned business that creates innovative office items that both look good and work well.

    Get it from Amazon for $39.95 (available in three colors).

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.