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    17 Middle Eastern Beauty Tips And Hacks That I Wish I Knew Growing Up

    I found a lot of these out the hard way, but you don't have to.

    1. Invest in an electric razor if you choose to shave your legs or other parts of your body. Trust me...it's worth it.

    2. And for removing facial hair, spend a little extra for high quality tweezers, because yeah, not all tweezers are made equal. 🙃

    Model using pink Tweezerman tweezers to remove hair on their eyebrows

    3. Use rosewater ~liberally~ to refresh, tone, and moisturize skin and hair. It's a staple in Middle Eastern households for helping balance oil, reduce redness and irritation, and hydrate. It's made by steeping rose petals in water — how cool is that?

    BuzzFeed Shopping writer holding her bottle of Heritage Rosewater Spray

    4. Get yourself some turmeric!! It's a potent anti-inflammatory and brightening antioxidant, so it'll make you glow while helping to protect your skin, hair, and scalp from free radicals.

    5. If you have dark circles, focus your concealer in the inner area of your under-eye for a brightening effect. A lot of us have hereditary under-eye pigmentation, and spreading concealer all over your under-eye will actually highlight your bags more.

    Former BuzzFeed Shopping writer with dots of concealer in the inner corner of their eye with words

    6. Pack on the mascara! Many of us have strong features, so we can "carry" a full-faced makeup look without looking unnatural or overpowering — so don't hold back!

    Former BuzzFeed Shopping writer with no eye makeup, labeled before, and after with lots of mascara on looking polished and bright

    7. BTW, to maximize volume, wiggle your mascara brush back and forth from bottom to top, like you're brushing your teeth. It works wonders.

    Former BuzzFeed Shopping writer having their mascara applied, with words "Wiggle mascara back and forth like brushing teeth for more volume"

    8. Plus, don't forget to line your eyes to make your eyes pop. Kajal is super popular for pigmented, intense lining (and was originally used to help protect eyes from intense sun)!

    9. Learn some color theory! Ever notice that blue-based lipsticks wash you out? It might be because you have olive-toned skin. Plums, burgundies, and other earth tones tend to look better than neons that wash us out.

    10. Take advantage of color correcting, which is a godsend for the many of us prone to under-eye hyperpigmentation and post-acne scarring.

    The illustrated guide

    11. Highlight your cheekbones with blush. Many of us have high cheekbones, and it makes them pop in a beautiful way, like you've been kissed by the sun. "Blush on the apples of your cheek" could never!

    BuzzFeed Shopping writer with three dots of blush on their cheekbones labeled before, and after with blush blended into their cheekbones creating a lifted effect

    12. Use black cumin (Nigella sativa) seed oil — run, don't walk. It's a nutrient-rich antibacterial, anti-inflammatory oil that's popular throughout the Middle Eastern region. It helps fade pigmentation and moisturizes gently enough to calm even eczema. It also helps combat brittleness and boost shine in hair!

    13. Try henna on your hair to strengthen locks, boost shine, and add texture — while giving your mane beautiful, all-natural auburn highlights.

    14. For moisturizing in a pinch, check your kitchen for sweet almond oil, which is a staple in Middle Eastern households for food and for beauty. It's loaded with vitamins E and A to make your skin glow, plus it's non-comedogenic so it won't clog pores.

    Reviewer holding their bottle of sweet almond oil

    15. Lightly coat dry curls in argan or apricot oils to make sure your strands are getting enough hydration AND protein. Without enough hydration, curls can become brittle, and lack of protein can make your hair quickly lose its shape or become prone to stringiness.

    Reviewer holding their organic Argan oil

    16. Use a mineral sunscreen, not a chemical sunscreen. Many folks with Middle Eastern heritage are prone to melasma (~myself included~), and chemical sunscreens can actually aggravate the condition.

    Model holding the Holifrog sunscreen and squeezing some of the sunscreen out of the tube

    17. If your skin is too sensitive for vitamin C, try using saffron, a powerhouse ingredient native to the Middle Eastern region that many call "liquid gold." It'll help brighten dull skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and dark spots, and balance uneven skin tone.

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.