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14 Lessons We Learned From Our Grandmothers

Wisdom comes with age, and grandmas have both. We've all learned our fair share from our grandmothers, but the most important lesson? Keep it simple. Just like Kozy Shack® Pudding does with their simple, wholesome ingredients.

1. Be honest, even if people don't like what they're hearing.

2. Don't let the haters get you down.

OK, maybe grandma worded that a little differently.

3. Polka dots will always be awesome.

4. Always carry a handkerchief.

5. Look after your body — you'll thank yourself later.

6. Never buy sugar.

Just take the packets from coffee shops and make your granddaughter empty them into your sugar bowl.

7. A.B.C. = Always Be Cooking.

8. Eating your bread crust turns your hair curly.

9. Raise smart kids so they can do the hard work for you.

10. Become a master of your craft.

11. Exercise machines are out to get you — go outside!

12. Always keep a spare roast in the garage freezer.

You never know how many hungry mouths might show up.

13. Worry about living, not making a living.

14. And when in doubt, wear black.