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16 Actually Easy Ways To Create Less Trash In 2018

Make this the year you start using less plastic.

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1. Invest in a set of bee's wax wraps and say goodbye to your addiction with plastic wrap.

2. When drinking, go without a straw by telling the bartender you won't be needing one when you order.

3. Order ice cream in a cone, instead of a cup, for a delicious and waste-free dessert upgrade.

4. If you get your period, consider trying a menstrual cup in place of your usual tampons or pads.

5. See if there's a grocery store close to your home that sells food in bulk, without packaging.

6. Start using soap (with minimal packaging) instead of body wash.

7. When having food delivered, add a note that you won't be needing any plastic cutlery.

8. Finally kick that plastic water bottle habit, and find a reusable bottle that you love using.

9. Get yourself a reusable coffee cup and — most important — get in the habit of using it every day.

10. Start composing your food waste either in your own backyard or through a neighborhood compost collection service.

11. Wash, de-label, and repurpose jars.

12. Make a conscious effort to buy less clothing.

13. Choose the products that have the least packaging on the supermarket shelves.

14. Have your clothes and shoes repaired — or repair yourself, if you have the skills — rather than replacing them.

15. Avoid using coffee pods, or at least make the effort to recycle them if you do.

16. And always say "no" to a plastic bag when you can manage without one.

Dump Week is a series of posts that will help you take out the trash in every aspect of your life, making room for all the good stuff you deserve. See more posts here.