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    16 Australian Female Artists You 100% Need To Be Following On Instagram

    Go on, get inspired.

    1. Follow Jordyn McGeachin for perfect figures, flowers, and tiny paintings.

    2. And Celeste Mountjoy aka "filthyratbag" for her illustrations.

    3. Miranda Lorikeet makes incredible stuff using MS Paint.

    4. Minna Gilligan just released her own book of art and life advice, Time After Time.

    5. Nadia Hernandez does paintings of every scale.

    6. And Meredith Earls is a collage queen.

    7. Tiffany Loh's account is damn relatable.

    8. Frances Cannon is responsible for starting the Self Love Club.

    9. Minna Leunig is the daughter of the only other Leunig you know, and her art is just as cool.

    10. Helen McCullagh might actually change your mind about having a painting of a fruit bowl in your home.

    11. And Sarah Kelk just has a way with colours and strokes.

    12. Evi O's landscapes are like nothing you've ever seen before.

    13. And Stephanie Baynie's illustrations are insane.

    14. Susanna Rose Sykes gets the struggle.

    15. Mikayla Watson-Brown can draw a face just right.

    16. And Billie Justice Thomson is busy recreating all of your favourite things.

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