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    15 Little Bathroom Tricks Your Guests Will Appreciate The Hell Out Of

    You're going to need matches, extra toilet paper, and a radio to muffle those sounds nobody wants to hear.

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    1. Keep your toilet paper somewhere it can be very easily found.

    2. And keep a toilet brush and plunger beside your bowl.

    3. Leave a box of matches in clear sight, for your guests to use if they need to ~clear the air~.

    4. If your bathroom is exceptionally close to your living or dining area, think about adding a fan or radio.

    5. If you're having a large group of people over, consider putting out a roll of paper towel in place of your regular hand towel.

    6. If your bathroom door doesn't lock, leave an "occupied" sign on the handle.

    7. If you have medication, birth control, or anything else you might not want particular guests to see, think ahead and move it to your bedroom.

    8. If your shower or bath has a habit of clogging, clear the drain before your guests arrive.

    9. Leave some reading material by the toilet, and don't be ashamed about it.

    10. Or if you really want to embrace the in-loo entertainment, consider buying a bathroom guest book.

    11. If your toilet is prone to flushing troubles, warn your guests or hang a cute sign to give them a heads up.

    12. Or if you have a particularly tricky shower, leave a note for your guests that explains how to find that perfect temperature.

    13. Keep tiny hotel toiletries and product samples, and give them to overnight guests.

    14. If your guests are staying for the weekend or longer, clear a space for them to keep their toiletries.

    15. And leave a nightlight on overnight, so guests can find their way in the dark.

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