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11 Reasons Why Holiday Shopping Is Actually Amazing

A lovely evening out on Black Friday? Sounds perfect. Make sure to stop in GUESS this holiday season to get what you (and they) really want.

1. Shopping during the holidays totally gets a "bad wrap."

2. You and your buddies stay up all night so you can be first in line to get those sweet deals. Bonding experience!

3. There's nothing like hitting a really great sale in the brisk, winter moonlight.

4. Other people think you're crazy, but you like a little excitement in your life.

5. It doesn't even matter what's on sale, so long as you get to spend time in the mall.

6. And you totally need a new outfit to celebrate the holidays in. Right? Totally.

7. And darnit, you have FUN doing it.

8. When it comes down to it, nothing can keep you from shopping. Shopping is LIFE.

9. But you're not greedy, you'll do a little bit of shopping for others!

10. Because 'tis the season for giving...

11. But you deserve to "give" a little to yourself, too. :)