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What’s Gut Health And Why You Should Pay Attention To It In 2021

Health starts inside...THE GUT! GT's Living Foods crafts a variety of offerings to help you and your gut thrive in 2021.

First things first, what IS gut health?

Gut health refers to how "healthy" (or balanced) the bacteria is that live in your intestine's microbiome.

A healthy gut contains a variety of bacteria to keep each other in check to help you process food properly and maintain your overall health.

Illustration of fruit and berries in stomach.

As you probably thought, gut health helps with intestinal issues such as inflammation, bloating, and digestion. But your gut health affects more than...well, just your gut!

Animated gut holding up other organs.

First of all, your gut and brain are basically BFFs and are constantly communicating, whether it's about being hungry or feeling nervous.

Illustrated brain and gut surrounded by hearts.

With such a close relationship, it's no surprise that your gut plays a big role in cognitive thinking and mood management.

Woman thinking with illustrated brain and gears in background.

A healthy gut may also help with heart health and controlling blood sugar.

"Wow, my gut is pretty amazing! But how do I take care of it?" you ask.

Woman making a heart with her hands over her stomach.

An easy way to help your gut is by adding probiotic-rich foods to your diet, such as raw kombucha.

When thinking of your overall health this year, start from the inside out and show love to your guts. Try GT’s Living Foods — they’ve been around for over 25 years and know a thing or two about gut health. From their popular raw kombucha, Synergy and water kefir line, Aqua Kefir, to their raw young coconut yogurt, Cocoyo, and SO MUCH MORE, they’ll help you and your gut live a happier, healthier life.

GT's Living Food Products: Hard Kombucha; Classic Kombucha; Synergy Raw Kombucha; Aqua Kefir; Alive Ancient Mushroom Elixir; Cocoyo Yogurt.