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    33 Commonly Shared Experiences Among GenZ

    "The bell does not dismiss you, I do."

    1. Making inappropriate Kahoot names and the teacher threatening to shut down the entire game

    Rest In Peace to Ben Dover, Drew Peacock, and Mike Oxlong.

    2. Silly bandz and fidget spinners getting banned in schools

    3. Having a Webkinz account

    4. Wanting one of those red lifeguard sweatshirts despite having subpar swimming abilities

    5. Having a crush on Beck or Jade or both from Victorious.

    6. Every year at the elementary school ice cream social, some kid would break their arm on the monkey bars and an ambulance would have to be called to the school

    It's a wonder those monkey bars were never taken done. Anyone know if they still exist on school playgrounds?

    7. Making a Pinterest board for your future wedding

    8. Learning how to play the recorder in elementary schools

    9. Having your mechanical pencils stolen from your desk

    10. Coming up with code names for your crush and kids that you didn't like

    Why were they mostly food based names also?

    11. Freaking out over having to do the pacer test

    "The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues."

    12. Playing kickball at recess and getting hit in the face by the ball

    13. Teachers yelling at the class because they had to stay late to organize the computer cart

    14. Pandemonium the day it was announced that Zayn was leaving 1D

    It was a national day of mourning for teenage girls everywhere.

    15. Having to do a worksheet every time a movie was played in class

    16. Getting "two slices" of pizza at school parties, but the slices looked like this

    17. Posting TBHs on Instagram

    18. Having an embarrassing snap username and being unable to change it

    In the next update, could they give us the ability to change our username please.

    19. Having or knowing someone with an iPod touch

    20. Playing fruit ninja, temple run, subway surfers, and angry birds on said iPod touch

    21. Giving or receiving iTunes and Amazon gift cards for birthdays

    22. Using Pandora for music at some point in your life

    Who remembers when you had to pay for each song individually on iTunes?

    23. Playing with a Bop It

    24. Using Internet Explorer

    25. Playing games on the family computer and then your mom accusing you of giving the computer a virus because it was now running slow

    26. Wanting a selfie stick

    27. Getting braces

    28. Having some form of mental illness

    29. Reading and/or writing fan fiction

    See #28.

    30. Watching edits of your favorite OTP

    31. Using the terms "OTP", "ship", and "bae" unironically

    32. Watching reruns of Full House and having a crush on Uncle Jesse

    33. Having a middle part and then realizing its ugly so you switch to a side part but now suddenly middle parts are back in?