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    This German Laundry Detergent Is Worth Every Penny

    Treat yourself to the freshest, brightest scent that will stay on your clothes for days.

    I had just finished swimming in the pool at my fancy friend’s apartment building, thinking nothing could be better, until I was handed the world’s freshest towel. It was the softest and best-smelling towel I have ever encountered — not floral- or sweet-smelling, but clean- and fresh-smelling — and I instantly needed to know everything about it.

    A person holding a freshly-laundered shirt to their face, happily breathing in clean laundry smell

    If you want the whole experience, the captivating smell that will make you bury your face into your clothes like you’re in a commercial, you have to get the powdered German version, which, as my friend told me, you can score on Amazon.

    As with many international Amazon products, there are a bunch of different Persil sellers offering different sizes and options. Many have positive reviews in German, singing the praises of this good-smelling, super-effective laundry soap. It’s not a budget item, but you’ll see that hundreds of reviews share how worth it this powder is, pledging never to use any other detergent.

    Treat yourself to the freshest, brightest scent that will stay on your clothes and linens for days, without sacrificing seriously clean clothes that stay soft and fresh. 

    Get some German Persil powder and never look back.

    1. The 90-load box my friend has in his apartment

    A box of Persil laundry detergent good for 90 loads

    2. The 50-load box made especially for whites and lighter colors

    A box of Persil laundry detergent good for 50 loads

    3. A mini set of Persil for 16 loads

    A box of Persil laundry detergent good for 16 loads

    4. A bulk box of dark color detergent for 100 washes

    A box of Persil laundry detergent good for 100 loads

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.