• Best of 2018 badge

Here Are 18 Of The Craziest Food Trends From 2018

It's been a year of edible flowers, charcoal, and a lot of CBD.

1. Ramen, but served in a beer mug:

2. The "tacro" (taco + croissant, duh):

3. Puppy-shaped ice cream, for some reason:

4. Chip-flavored instant ramen:

5. Mayo ice cream, unfortunately:

6. Wasabi-flavored Oreos:

7. Black ice cream:

8. Black cheese:

9. Avocado toast-flavored chocolate:

10. Pizza with mustard instead of pizza sauce:

This pizza uses mustard instead of tomato sauce 😳

11. Coca-Cola Plus Coffee, which seems...unnecessary?

12. Edible flowers:

13. CBD anything, really:

14. Cheese tea?

15. Watermelon sushi:

16. Smoked watermelon, too:

17. Glitter lattes:

18. And finally, slime ketchup:

It's the end of 2018, and we're looking back on the year. Check out even more Best of 2018 content here!

This post was translated from Spanish.