I'll Never Look At Fruits And Veggies The Same Again After Finding Out What They Looked Like Centuries Ago

    I still can't get over how bananas used to have holes, TBH.

    Believe it or not, most produce as we know it today has been genetically modified in some way to create a specific shape, size, and taste.

    Like this weird-looking banana, which grows in the wild.

    A wild banana with seeds.

    Two wild ancestors, the Musa acuminata, which contain 15 to 62 seeds, and the Musa balbisiana, which is filled with inedible seeds, were bred to produce a banana with just the edible pulp, eliminating the seeds all together.

    A bunch of modern day bananas

    Interestingly, many green veggies like broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower can't even be found in the wild!

    Different parts of the plant were used to produce each type of vegetable. Kale came from its leaves and broccoli came from its flower buds.

    Cauliflower and broccoli

    Do you think that the sliced fruit in this picture with the swirly insides sort of resembles a watermelon? That's because it actually is one!

    A 17th century painting by Albert Eckhout.

    The red color we recognize now is due to lycopene, which is also found in tomatoes and red carrots. Natural watermelons were selectively bred to increase the amount of lycopene.

    Slices of red watermelon

    Do you ever wonder how the eggplant got its name, since it doesn't look anything like an egg? Well, it originally did.

    Solanum incanum, A.K.A a wild eggplant!

    The long, oval type comes from Europe and North America, but you can still find eggplants in all sizes and colors, like white, yellow, and green, across Asia and India.

    Who knew that food could have such a colorful history? BRB, I'm gonna go grab a banana without holes.