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17 Gravity Falls GIFs To Brighten Up Your Day

Does your day totally stink? Turn that frown upside down and keep the joy in your heart with new episodes of Gravity Falls on Disney Channel.

1. Ready? Let's go!

2. First, pinpoint what's making you feel like your head is gonna blow up

3. Did you eat something that isn't sitting well?

4. Get in a fight with your best friend?

5. Or even worse: have a run-in with your nemesis?

6. Whatever it was, don't be sad...

7. ...and throw that bad attitude out the window!

8. Because you can turn that frown upside down! Just hug it out...

9. a little dance

10. ...or spend some time enjoying the great outdoors.

11. You could also pay yourself a nice compliment...

12. ...or snuggle up with your best (animal) friend.

13. Remember: things are usually better than they seem...

14. ...and Friday is just a few days away.

15. Rejoice!

16. Get excited!

17. And go on with your bad self.