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10 Reasons Why Summers At The Public Pool Were The Best

Summer is closer than you think, who’s ready? The public pool is the best place to be when the temperatures creep up. Watch Gravity Falls on Disney Channel to see what kind of adventures Dipper and Mabel get into at the public pool!

1. All the goodies at the snack bar:

2. The dreamy lifeguards:

3. The cannonballs you did when they weren't looking:

4. Jumping off the diving board:

5. The prospect of meeting new crushes:

6. And running into all your friends:

7. No one judging you if you did a belly flop:

8. Cooling down with some freezer pops:

9. Lounging on comfy pool floats:

10. And chilling with the cool kids, working on your tan on the recliners: