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15 Reasons We Miss The Internet Of The '90s

Altogether now! *hums the dial-up tune until you start dancing*

1. Potential partners were picked based on how fancy their IM name was.

2. Singing along to the dial-up modem "tune" was an absolute joy.

3. Everything was a bit of an iffy-grey, and we were fine with that.

4. Flirting was about three magic letters separated by two highly-erotic forward slashes.

5. Spending hours working on your webcam face.

6. You got to play games that were of the utmost sophistication.

7. Other games were a little more...stripped back.

8. Also, actually printing off cheats for games was super helpful.

9. The suspense of knowing that at any time, your browsing might be cut short by someone picking up the phone.

Actually, speaking of suspense...

10. The anticipation of waiting 20 minutes for one song to download was actually quite fun.

11. Every conversation lasted 10 times longer because you'd started every mention of a website "h-t-t-p, colon, forward slash..."

12. Adding animated, um, "trails" to your website cursors was considered the height of programming and design.

13. Downloading your favourite internet webpages to a floppy disk so you can access them later was a genius idea.

14. Going on internet chatrooms was a genuine pastime.

15. TyPiNg LiKe tHiS evEn ThOuGh iT tAkEs So mUcH EfFoRt aNd nObOdY kNeW wHy It WaS A tHinG.

The internet has become more and more advanced — so should your account settings. Sort out yours with My Account from Google.