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The 10 Best Things About Spending The Holidays With Your Significant Other

Nothing brings out the unique characteristics of a relationship like the holidays. This year, capture your magic moments with motion photography. Each of these animated photos was created using Auto Awesome on Google+. Scroll through them to the bottom and find out how to make your own!

1. The holidays are a magical time for couples to be outside displaying their affection...

2. ...and holding hands with mittens, or holding onto a freezing nub.

3. It's the time for romantic evening strolls with hot cocoa (as long as you let it cool a bit before you take a swig)...

4. ...and when your partner's lack of technical skills might become apparent for the first time.

5. It's when some couples become obsessed with achieving the perfect Christmas card photo...

6. ...or worse, when couples with mismatched levels of seasonal cheer can't quite pull it off.

7. It's when a relationship can be tested by a single ornament...

8. ...and you spend all of December fighting for its place on the tree.

9. It's when gift giving forces you to practice your facial expressions of unconditional happiness...

10. ...and, perhaps best of all, it's having someone to lounge around with after the endless string of dinners, parties, caroling, sledding, food, and drink.

Challenge yourself to create your own amazing animations with Auto Awesome. Once you install the Google+ app, turn on Auto Backup, and simply take a series of 5+ photographs of the same subject to create an animated GIF!

All images via JUrquhart / BuzzFeed