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11 Statements That Will Turn "Star Wars" Fans To The Dark Side

Anger leads to hatred, hatred leads to blocking certain people on social media... But to walk the path of the Jedi, download the Star Wars digital releases now on Google Play.

1. "The Force is just magical powers, isn't it?"

2. "Ewoks are baby Chewbaccas."

3. "I love the little short robot!"

4. "I've only seen the prequels."

5. "Chewie didn't get a medal at the end of A New Hope because he's not a person."

6. "I don't like Star Wars because it isn't sci-fi, it's space fantasy."

7. "The Death Star wouldn't have exploded like that, because there's no oxygen in space."

8. "Do you think Jabba tried anything with Leia?"

9. "The prequels are really underrated."

10. "Who cares if Han shot first or if Greedo shot first?"

11. "I think Jar Jar is cute."

All images courtesy of Disney

Finding it hard to resist the dark side? Watch the Star Wars saga with never-before-seen deleted scenes and footage on Google Play.