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    31 Things Black Queens Learned From Our Head Wraps

    I am the head wrap. Wrapped in majestic rainbows, glistening with elegance, toasted with beauty, channelling the essence of mother Africa.

    For all of you head wrap lovers out there, I think we can all agree that our scarves have saved us many times from bad hair days and basic outfits. But they go beyond just making a fashion statement. The head wrap has transformed from an "object of oppression" during slavery to a "uniform of rebellion" in reclaiming our self-identity and ancestral roots. So why are more of our sistas adorning their crowns? From exploring new things and instilling patience, to promoting self-love and boosting confidence, we teens are shown every day how empowering it is to wrap ourselves in such love and appreciation. I know I have ever since the beginning of my own head wrap journey.

    Lesson #1: Exploring new things

    1. So, you've seen these things literally every where, tied in a couple of different ways.

    2. Like the classic up on top

    3. the downwards bun

    4. or a bun on top

    5. to no hair out

    6. Not to mention all the different types of colors and patterns!

    7. And those prices!

    8. Bruh, imagine the possibilities with all of those the colors?!?!

    9. It's not so bad to try something new!

    Lesson #2: Patience

    10. You're all excited so you jump right in and start tying knots left and right thinking it'd be easy...

    11. It just kept falling apart again, and again, and again.

    12. Nonetheless, you kept working at it cuz MAMA AIN'T RAISE NO BITCH!

    13. And somehow, after countless hours, you fiiinnnaaaalllllyyy got it to stay

    14. And it doesn't even look half bad!

    15. Buuuuut then you find out that you've barely even scratched the surface

    16. Nonetheless, you've got one down! Celebrate those small victories!

    Lesson #3: Self-Love

    17. So, now you're here with your wrap and all. All happy-go-lucky and what not.

    18. But then you start thinking about what others might think of it...

    19. ...the mindless stares...

    20. ...the endless questions about how you even got it all up there ...

    21. ...and the snarky remarks...

    22. Don't. You don't have time for that negativity.

    23. Use faith and strength to pull yourself back up! Love what you have!

    Lesson #4: Confidence

    24. So, after all of that, you begin to think and you realize that it's more than just the head wrap

    25. And in it all, you recognize the importance of paying homage to those who slayed before you

    26. And yeah, you'll still have people who'll think otherwise.

    27. But ya know, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

    28. You control what you see in the mirror. Love what you see!

    29. On the plus side, there are other people cheering you along the way!

    30. So, go forth, as the Queen that you are

    31. Because our black IS BEAUTIFUL!