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    Why You Should Travel In Your 20's

    When I was 23 I had a time in my life where I was working my first office job making $20,000 a year living in New York City and sliding into a stream of depression. So I sold, stored and donated all of my belongings and put some clothes in a backpack to Southeast Asia to rediscover happiness and myself. I would recommend this to anyone. You can always save up to buy a house, to maintain a career but in our 20’s is when responsibilities still haven’t fully developed unless you push the forward button in your life to having kids and a house. These are the times we will look back on as we sit in our rocking chair flashing back to our life memories. I don’t know about you, but I want to make sure it is worth remembering.

    Why You Should Travel in Your 20's

    View this video on YouTube / Via Youtube

    The best times of my life, the place I grew confidence and self empowerment was when I had all my belongings on my back and the world right in front of me