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18 Signs You're A Builder At Heart

ABB: Always be buildin'.

1. You're a problem solver by nature.

2. And you're always curious to know how things work.

3. Your desktop background probably looks a little like this:

4. While your Instagram feed is full of likes for pics like these:

5. These were (and still are) EVERYTHING:

6. And more often than not, you'd ignore the instructions and build whatever you wanted.

7. But even once you'd built something cool, there wasn't time to stop and admire it.

8. Heights don't faze you.

9. You're not averse to making a little money either.

10. You could watch GIFs...

11. this...

12. ...all day.

13. While some see a dump, you see a doer-upper.

14. And you dream of building your own home one day.

15. In fact, you're running out of space because of all your recordings of Grand Designs.

16. You're a doodler.

17. And you love the great outdoors.

18. Because, why sit around when you could be out there having all manner of adventures?

Think building is in your blood? Then why not try Go Construct's Career Explorer?

The construction industry offers a huge variety of roles and plenty of room for career growth. Whether you'd like to work on a construction site or in an office – or a combination of the two – chances are there's a role that will interest and challenge you. Your dream job could be right around the corner...