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12 Ways To Live Well During The Festival Season This Summer

Dancing, standing, moshing, drinking... It's a serious workout. Prepare for your festival with GNC's Festival Survival Kit. For those at Bonnaroo®, stop by GNC's LIVE LOUD Live Well tent to chill and recharge.

1. Rock a gnarly wide-brimmed hat.

2. Make your skin happy, not hurt.

3. Eat well, live well, have fun.

4. Stretch it out.

5. Plug up those ears.

6. Revive with that good, sweet H2O.

7. Space out your libations.

8. Don't let the rain, well...rain on your parade...

9. ...and wet wipes are your best friend.

10. Set a meeting point.

11. Get mistified.

12. Don't forget to chill.

Take a load off your feet, chill, and recharge at GNC's LIVE LOUD Live Well tent.

In addition to their tent, they want you to be in tip-top shape. Grab their Festival Survival Kit to get the vitamins and nutrients you need to make the most of your music festival weekend.